Hello folks, I hope you are having a great day. Today, I am going to start this new tutorial series on JavaScript and here's our 1st tutorial titled Introduction to JavaScript. This is a beginner level tutorial series, where we will start from very basics & will slowly move towards complex concepts. If you're not a beginner or looking for secure development training or advanced tutorials, stay tuned, more training is coming. We can use any development Editor for running JavaScript and for this tutorial series, I will use Microsoft Visual Studio Code, which is free to use & you can download it from official site. You don't need to be an expert programmer, in order to learn JavaScript, but you must have some basic knowledge of HTML & CSS. So, let's get started with today's lecture:

What is JavaScript - A Quick Definition

  • JavaScript ( initially named as LiveScript, officially named as ECMAScript ) is a client-side scripting language, developed by Brendan Eich in 1995 and is used to create interactive webpages and mostly used in game development.
  • Before JavaScript, webpages were dull and has no way to interact with the user, as we had only server side languages ( php, java etc. ) at that time and in order to get any action done, we have to send request to the server.
  • With JavaScript, now we can perform any complex task without refreshing the page, JavaScript works on client side that's why there's no need of page refreshing.
  • You must have noticed on your Facebook / Twitter profile that they update automatically, that's because of JavaScript.
  • As JavaScript is a client side language so it can't communicate directly with the server i.e. database or file system.
  • JavaScript is normally confused with Java, but they are two entirely different languages, Java is server side complex language while JavaScript is a simple scripting language.
How to Run JavaScript Code?
  • As I mentioned earlier, JavaScript is a client side scripting language, so we don't need any compiler or editor for running JavaScript.
  • Instead, JavaScript is directly executed by the web Browsers, similar to HTML & CSS, which are also client side languages.
  • When a user makes an HTTP request, then browser reads the webpage and along with HTML,CSS etc. it also finds the JS scripts and executes them.
  • All modern browsers support JavaScript and you can enable / disable JavaScript in your browser's settings.
  • Moreover, JavaScript works on almost all operating platforms i.e. Windows, Linux, Mac, Ubuntu etc.
  • So, in order to run JavaScript, you can use any Programming Environment / Editor i.e. Sublime, Notepad++, Visual Studio Code etc.
Uses of JavaScript
So, now let's have a look at few uses / advantages of Javascript:
  1. Developing Mobile Applications & Games.
  2. Web Browser-based Games.
  3. Add interaction to websites.
  4. Back end web Development.
  5. Rich interface for Applications and web pages.

How to Include a JavaScript Code in HTML WebPage

  • As I have mentioned earlier, we don't need any editor to run or execute JavaScript. Instead, web browsers execute the JS code on their own.
  • But question is, How web Browsers are going to recognize that its a JS code ??
  • And the answer is, the code placed between <script> </script> tags will be treated as a JavaScript Code.
  • There are two ways to include the JavaScript code in an HTML webpage, discussed as follows:
Embedding JavaScript Code directly in HTML Page
  • When we add JavaScript directly in <body> tag of our HTML page, it is termed as Embedded JavaScript.
  • In our HTML page, we can place JavaScript Code in the <script> </script> tags, as shown in the figure:
  • You can see in the figure that I have added a simple JavaScript Code:

<script> alert(“I am learning JavaScript”);    </script>

  • To run this code you have to add an extension. Go to the left side of visual studio and click on extension or press Ctrl + Shift + X buttons. 
  • Afterwards, Search “Open in browser” and install the first file. Look below in the image for more detail.
  • When your exertion is installed, now go back to your HTML file and press Alt + B.  It will run your code. 
  • You will see something similar to below image, in your browser.
  • This is a simple JavaScript alert message, displaying our content.
Include External JavaScript File in HTML WebPage
  • If we add JavaScript Code directly in HTML page then it will make the code quite messy.
  • So, it's always a best practice to create a separate file for JavaScript ( extension .js ) and then include this file in your webpage.
  • By convention, If your JavaScript code is more than 10 lines, then it's better to add an external JavaScript file.
  • It also reduces the code repetition i.e. if you are using your JS code for multiple pages.
  • Let's see now, how to add an external JavaScript file:
Steps to Follow:
  • Create a new file by pressing Ctrl + N and add  alert("Introduction to JavaScript");”  content in this file. Save it with the name “Test.js”.
  • As you can see on the right side in the figure.
  • Now go back to the “index.html” file and add the code as you can see in below figure:
  • When you will refresh the web browser then it will automatically reload a JS file through source code, as shown in below figure:
What Is The Best Way To Include JavaScript File in Html
  • You can add <script> tag in the <head> section of your HTML file, in the start of the <body> tag and also at the start or end of the body tag.
  • But I would advise you to add it at the end of the <body> tag. I will show you why it should be at the bottom of the body tag.
  • The HTML page always loads from top to bottom. And if your JS file will be in <head> tag or opening of the <body> tag. Therefore, it’s gonna run JavaScript first before loading any of the content in and it will leave a negative impact on your webpage. Let me show you now how it will drop a negative impression on your website.
  • Here is a basic example for you. As you can see in below image that I have added <script> tag at the start of <head> tag and add a new tag of <h1> for your understanding.
  • Save these file and press ALT + B to execute this code. You will notice that as you see in the picture underneath that only <script> tag alert comes up first without loading the rest of page.
  • But once I click at ok then it has loaded the rest of the page now. As indicated in the image here.
  • It leaves a bad impact on users because the page is loading step by step but not at once. Now I am gonna add  <script> at the bottom of the <body> tag and as you can see in image down.
  • Now save it go again to the browser and reload the page.  Instantly you can see the content and alert form at the same time. This is a perfect way of adding JS.
I am sure you all already know HTML and CSS but you have attempted to learn JavaScript many times but failed for some reason and you drop it. But I am sure now you are going to stick with me since I am going to describe you step by step each code. From the next lesson onward, I am going to tell you more in detail what is the Syntax of JavaScript and where to place JavaScript file. I hope you guys understand this lesson and I will see you in my next tutorial. Till then take care of yourself. If YOU have any question regarding this post feel free to comment below and ask about it.  I will definitely reply to your query as soon as possible. 

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Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir