Mathematical Operators In JavaScript

Hello everyone, I hope you are fine. In today's tutorial, we are gonna take a look at “Mathematical operators in JavaScript” in detail. Performing math operator in different programing language is very common. JavaScript also allows several operators to help us in numbers.  The mathematical operator in JavaScript is used for performing certain different tasks such as the final price of a financial transaction, browser windows size and calculating the range between the element in a website document.  There are two types of operator that I am going to discuss in this tutorial.
  1. Arithmetic operator
  2. Assignment operator

Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript

To perform an action between two variable or values we use mathematical operators. In the equation 3+2 = 5 (+ is a syntax). Java script has many different operators some are basic math operator and others are additionals operators particular to programming. A table of JavaScript Operators 
Operator Description Example Definition
+ Addition 2 + 3 Sum of 2 and 3
- Subtraction 9 - 2 Difference of 9 and 2
* Multiplication 3 * 2 Product of 3 and 2
/ Division 10 / 5 Division of 10 and 5
% Modulo 9 % 2 Remainder of 9 and 2
** Exponentiation 9 ** 3 9 to the 3 power
++ Increment 9++ 9 plus one
-- Decrement 9-- 9 minus one
  Let me explain to you all of these operators in detail.

Addition and Subtraction in JavaScript

Addition and subtractions are the operators from basic maths. They are used to find the sum and difference of two numerical values.  JavsScript has its own built-in calculator. All these mathematical operators can be directly performed in the console. As you have seen a simple example of addition and now I am going to explain it with detail. Now I will assign numerical values to a and b and place the sum in c
  • Assign the value to a and b
  • Suppose: a = 3;   b = 4;
  • Now add a + b and assign the sum of a+b to c 
  • c = a + b;  alert(c);


   In a similar way, subtraction(-) also work with the same formula but will subtract the number. 
  • Assign the value to a and b
  • Suppose: a = 6;  b = 3;
  • Now subtract a - b and assign the diffrence of a-b to c 
  • c = a - b;  alert(c);
Output We can also do add and subtraction by the float (decimals) and negative numbers. Look below with an example.
  • a = -6.3;  b = 3.5; 
  • Now subtract a - b and assign the difference of a-b to c 
  • c = a - b;  alert(c);
Output There is one another fact about the (+)operator that you should know that adding a numeric number and string.  As we all know that 1 + 2 return the value of 3. But this will have an unexpected result. 
  • Suppose c = 1 + “2”;
  • alert(c)
Output:  The result of this will be 12 because of the one string value(“2”),  javascript concatenate (Concat() function is used to join two or more string together)  it rather than adding 1 and 2. So it is really important to be careful because while coding in JavaScript. Therefore JavaScript is case sensitive language. 

Multiplication in JavaScript

Multiplication (*) and division (/) are also used in Javascript to find the numeric values by division or multiplication.  Multiplication could be used many times like calculating the price of any item etc and division help you in finding the time like the number of hours or minutes.
  • Suppose x = 10; y = 5; 
  • z = x * y;
  • alert(z);

Divison Operator in JavaScript

  • suppose  x = 100; y=10; 
  • z = x / y;
  • alert(z);

Modulus in JavaScript

Modulo (%) is used to find the remainder of a quotient after division. It can help us find in that even if the number is even or odd. It is less familiar operator than others. It is also known as Modulus too.
  • Let suppose x = 11; y = 5;
  • z = x % y;
  • alert(z);

Exponentiation in JavaScript

Exponentiation (**) is the new operator in JavaScript. Its calculate the power of a number by its exponent. Its written like this 8^4 (Eight to the 4 power).

  • x = 8; y = 4;
  • z = 8 ** 4;
  • alert(z);
Output 8 ** 4 represents the same as 8 multiplied by 8 four times: 8 * 8 * 8 * 8

Increment and Decrement in JavaScript

The increment operator (++) increase the numerical value of a variable by one and on the other side decrement operator (--) decrease the numerical value of a variable by one. They are often used with loops. You can use these operators with variable only and using them with raw numbers can only result in an error. Look in the example. Increment and Decrement are further divided into two classes: prefix operation and postfix operation. Firstly,  prefix operator. let x = 8; prefix = ++x; alert(prefix); Output

Postfix Operator in JavaScript

let x = 8; postfix = x++; alert(postfix); Output The value of x is not increased in this postfix operator, The value of the x will not be increased until after the expression has been evaluated. But running the operation twice will increase the value. As you can see in the image that I have increased the value of x.       Now see the output. All these increment and decrement operators are used in for loops most of the time.

Assignment Operators in JavaScript

The assignment operator (=) is the most used operator, which we have used already. We used the assignment operator to assign the value to the variable.
//Assign 50$ to price variable Price = 50$
JavaScript also contains compound assignment operators. Let's discuss a compound assignment operator example.
//Assign 50$ to price variable Price = 50$ Price += 5$; alert(price);
The output of this result will be 55$. In this case, price += 5$ is same as price = price + 5$. The arithmetic operator can be combined with the assignment operator to make a compound assignment operator. Down below is a table of the assignment operator.  
Description Operator
Assignment =
Addition assignment +=
Subtraction assignment -=
Multiplication assignment *=
Division assignment /=
Exponentiation assignment **=
Remainder assignment %=
  In this article, we have discussed the arithmetic operator and their syntax in detail. If you have a question regarding this post you can ask me. I will reply to all of your queries. Lastly, thank you for reading this article, and we are working hard to deliver you best content.

While Loop In JavaScript

Hello friends, I hope you all are feeling great today. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at a  detailed “While Loop In JavaScript” topic. It’s our 8th tutorial in JavaScript Series. Loops are used in programming and they offer the easiest and quickest way to do a repetitive task. In this article, we will learn about While and do..while statements as they are the most basic type of Loops.  For example, if we want to display the same line “I am learning JavsScript” 10 times. Then this can be done with the help of loops easily rather than typing long code. It will save your time and energy.

While Loop in JavaScript

In JavaScript, while loops loop through a block of code until the specified condition is true. The condition is evaluated before executing the statement. The syntax of the while loop is very similar to if statement. 
Syntax while (condition) {  // execute this code as long as the condition is true  }
In the following example, we have to take a variable i = 1, and the while condition is that when it executes it should be less than 5. For each iteration of the loop, we will add one number.  Output When we will run the above example, we will receive the following result.

Infinite Loop using While in JavaScript

You might have already the idea what Infinite loop is because of its name. An infinite loop is a loop that will keep running forever. If you make an infinite loop by accident it can crash your browser. So it is really important the awareness of infinite loop otherwise can crash your computer or browser. Look at the example of the infinite loop.
// Start a infinite loop while (true) { // execute code forever }

Do While Loop in JavaScript

We have learned upside about while loop. The while loop will run a block of code until the specified condition is true. Do..while statement is slightly different from while statement, it evaluates the condition at the end of each loop irritation. And do...while condition always executes once even if the condition is never true.


do {

// execute code

} while (condition);

I am going to show you the same example with do..while loop so you can understand the difference between them. Output In the following example javascript, we have started variable with i = 1. Now it will print the output and increase the value of the variable i by 1. When the condition will be evaluated loop will continue to run until the variable i is less than 5 or equal to 5. In this tutorial, we have learned about while loop and do-while loop and the difference between them. We also discussed the infinite loop and how it can you save yourself from crashing your browser. This is the last tutorial of loop and if you want to learn more about loops like for...loop, loop and for..of loop then go visit for loop in JavaScript. That's it for today, for more content like this that add value to your life. Keep visiting our website. Comment below if you want to ask anything.

For Loop In JavaScript

Hello folks, I hope you are doing great in your life. In today’s tutorial, I am going to talk about “For Loop In JavaScript”. This is our 7th tutorial of the JavaScript series.  Loops are designed in JavaScript to automate the repetition task. You may have encountered a lot of time in programming that you have to repeat an action again and again. To help you in reducing the number of lines code and time, loops were created. There are five types of loops JavaScript have:
  1. For Loop
  2. For...In Loop
  3. For...of Loop
  4. While Loop
  5. Do While Loop

For Loop in JavaScript

For Loop will run the same code of block again and again repeatedly, for a specific number of time or as long as a certain condition is met. The For loop of JavaScript is similar to C language and Java for Loop.
Syntax for (initialization; condition; final expression) {  // code to be executed  }
The for loop is the most concise part of looping. There is three expression use in for Loop initialization, condition, and final expression.

For Loop Syntax in JavaScript

  1. The first step is initialization where you have to assign a value to a variable and that variable will be used inside the loop. The initial statement is executed before the loop begin.
  2. The test condition or statement will evaluate that if it is true or false. And if it would be true then the loop statement executes or otherwise, the execution of the loops ends.
  3. The final expression is the iteration statement where you can increase or decrease your statement.
Let me show you a simple example of for loop. As you can see in the image that firstly, we initialize the for loop with let i = 0;. Its means that the loop begins with 0. Afterwards, we declared the condition to be i < 4; means that the loop will continue to run as long as i is less than 3. Our last expression is i++, it will increase by 1 each time the loops runs. Output

Optional Expressions in Javascript For Loop

All of these three expressions in for loop are optional. we can write the for statements without initializations. Look at the demonstration for more clarity.
// declare variables outside the loop var i = 5; for( ; i<10; i++;) { document.write("<p> 'The number is + i +' </p>")  }
  • The number is 5
  • The number is 6
  • The number is 7
  • The number is 8
  • The number is 9
As you can see that it is necessary to put a semicolon ; whether it is empty. We can also remove the condition from the room. For this, we can use if statement combined with a break. This break is for the loop to stop running once is greater than 10.
// declare variables outside the loop var i = 5; for( ; ; i++;) { if(i < 10) { break } document.write("<p> 'The number is + i +' </p>")  }
The number is 5 The number is 6 The number is 7 The number is 8 The number is 9
Never forget to add the break statement. Unless the loop will run forever and potentially break the browser.
// Declare variable outside the loop let i = 0; // leave out all statements for ( ;  ; ) { if (i > 3) { break; } document.write(i); i++; }
The number is 5 The number is 6 The number is 7 The number is 8 The number is 9

For...In Loop

Syntax for (variableName in Object) { statement } loop is created to help us in providing a simpler way to iterate through the properties of an object. When you will learn about objects, then loop will be more clear to you.  Let me explain it to you with a simple example. Output For..of Loops The for...of statement creates a loop for iterate over iterable objects like arrays and strings. It is the new feature of ECMAScript (or ES), ECMAScript 6.
Syntax for (variable of object) statement
In the following example, we will create a for...of loop. Output In this article, we learn about What are loops and how to construct the For Loops In JavaScript and about for...of and statement. We will discuss while loop and do while loop in our next tutorial. I hope you have found this article informative and learn something new from it. For more tutorial of JavaScript please keep visiting our website. If you have any question related to this tutorial, you can ask in comments and you can suggest any changes you want in the upcoming article. We love to hear your suggestion.

Switch Statement in JavaScript

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, we will have a look at the detailed “Switch Statement in JavaScript”. It’s our 6th tutorial in JavaScript Series.  As we have learned about the conditional statement and its types (if, if..else, If...else if) in the last article, a conditional statement is the most useful and common feature in the programming language.  Switch is also a type of conditional statement and it will evaluate an expression against multiple possible cases and run one or more blocks of codes base on matching cases. The switched statement work almost as if...else if statement containing many blocks, and it does work so more efficiently than repeated if...else if statements.

Switch Statement in JavaScript

The switch statement is used to perform different action based on multiple cases.  How does switch statement work?
  • Firstly, evaluate the expression once.
  • Value of expression will be compared with each case.
  • If there would be a match, the associated block of code will execute.
Syntax  switch (expression) {         case x:                 // case x code block (statement x)                 break;         case y:                  // case y code block  (statement y)                 break;          default:                  // execute default code block (statement default) }

Break Keyword in JavaScript Switch Statement

As the name says break, When JavaScript reaches the break keyword, it breaks out of the switch block. It will only stop the execution of inside the block. It will continue until reaching the last break case. Eventually, reach the last case and the break keyword will end the switch block. 

Default Keyword in JavaScript Switch Statement

If there is no case match then the default code block will run. There could be only one default keyword in the switch statement. The default keyword is optional, but it is recommended that you use it. Let’s see an example of a switch statement. Firstly, the expression will be evaluated.  The first case, 3 will be tested against the expression. The code will not execute because it does not match the expression and it will be skipped. Then case 4 will be tested against the expression. Since 4 matches the expression, the code will execute and exit out of the switch block.  And your output will be displayed like this. Output Let’s make another example of a working switch. In this example, we will find the current day of the week with the new Date()method and getDay()to print a number equivalent to the current day. 0 stand for Sunday, 1 stand for Monday and then throughout till Saturday with number 6. OutPut This code was tested on Monday that’s why it is displaying Monday. But your output would be change depending on the day you are testing. I have added default too in case of any error. 

Multiple Cases in JavaScript Switch Statement

There is a chance that you may face a code in which you have to display the same output for multiple cases. So, we have made an example for you to understand these multiple cases.  In this example first, the new Date() method will find a number compared to the current month and then apply the month variable. Output In today tutorial, we review about the switch, and how it is similar to if..else if statement. We reviewed the switch statement with three different examples.  To learn more about JavaScript you can read these article series from the start. I am sure these will help you and if you have any question regarding this article. You can comment down below and ask anything.  Thank you so much for reading this article and we are doing our best to deliver you our best. Please visit again. See you in the next tutorial.

If Else Statement in JavaScript

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a fine day. In today’s tutorial, I am going to discuss the if-else statement in JavaScript  and what are conditional statements in detail. In programming, while writing a program there may be an occasion where you need to adopt one out of a given set of paths. In such a case, you need to use conditional statements that allow your program to make the correct decision.

Conditional statements 

Conditional statements are used to run a specific action based on the result of the different conditions (true or false). If the condition would be true one action would be performed and if the condition is false then another action would be performed. A few examples of JavaScript conditional statements:
  • Verify the location of the user and display the language based on the country
  • Send a form on submit, display a missing required field warning next in the missing field.
  • Show a booking form for a bus ticket but not if the bus is booked.
We have the following conditions in JavaScripts.
  1. if statement
  2. if...else statement 
  3. if...else if statement

If Statement in Javascript

If statement plays a very important role in JavaScript to make decisions. It will decide whether the statement is true or false and only run if the statement is true. Otherwise, the code block will be ignored if the statement is false. 
Syntax if (condition) { // block of code that will excute if the condition is true }
Note: if is a lowercase letter and If or IF will cause a JavaScript error. A simple example to see how if statement work in javascript. Let’s suppose you are going to pay your electricity bill through an app where you have a certain amount of money already in your account. Your account money is 5000 and you have to pay the electricity bill of 700. Using the <= help you in finding that whether you have less than or equal to electricity bill money available to pay it. Since the Electricity_bill <= money evaluates to true. The code will run because the condition is true. output See another example, in case you have less money than your Electricity_bill. This example does not have any output because of Electricity_bill <= money evaluated to false. Now the code block will be ignored and the programme will continue on the next line. And there will be nothing in output.

If Else Statement in JavaScript

In if statement code only proceeds when the condition is true but in the if-else statement whether the condition evaluates true or false it will execute.
Syntax if (condition){ // block of code that will execute if the condition is true } else { block of code that will execute if the condition is false }
As an example, to find out an even or odd number. Output Since the condition of if is not true then code moves to the else statement and execute it.  if-else condition is more common than only if condition. It can help users in giving warning and letting them know what decision they should make. 

IF Else If Statment in JavaScript

If you want to check more than two conditions than you can use if...else if statement. With if...else statement, you can find out that if the condition is true or false. However, sometimes we have multiple possible conditions and outputs and needed more than two options. For that purpose, we can use if...else if statement.
Syntax if(condition a) { // block of code that will execute if condition a is true } else if (condition b) { // block of code that will execute if condition b is true } else if (condition c) { // block of code code that will execute if condition c is true } else { // block code that will execute if all above conditions are false }
There is no limit for else if statement, you can add as many as you want but there is a switch statement that would be preferred for readability. Let's see a simple example of checking grade of students based on numbers out of 100.   Output This tutorial provided a brief overview of conditional statement, if, if..else and if...else if statement that you can use in JavaScript. To learn more about JavaScript from the first article you can read  Introduction to JavaScript. Thank you for visiting our website. You have any question regarding this post feel free to comment below and ask any question related to this post. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Introduction to Bitcoin - A Comprehensive Beginner Guide

Hi folks, I hope you guys are doing great. In my previous post, I have discussed what cryptocurrency is. Before I go in detail about Bitcoin, let me tell you. Go and read the last article about cryptocurrency. As you should have information about cryptocurrency before jumping into bitcoin. Bitcoin has become a buzz word now. It’s been around 12 years since Bitcoin release.  A person or group of people name Satoshi Nakamoto emerge bitcoins that host a digital currency bitcoin. The individuals who already knew about Bitcoin are curious about it that how is it going to leave an impact on our daily lives in the future.  I am here to answer all of your questions and that will clear all your doubts and curiosity. So we are going to cover all these topics down below:
  • What is Bitcoin?
  • Understanding of Bitcoin in Depth.
  • How Does Bitcoin work?
  • What is Mining?
  • Useful Definition for Bitcoins wallet.
  • How can I store my Bitcoins?
  • Types of wallets.
  • How to Buy Bitcoins?
  • Pros of Bitcoin.
  • Cons of Bitcoin.
  • Conclusion.

Introduction to Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin is the official first cryptocurrency that had been released in 2009. It is basically a digital currency and only exists electronically.
  • Bitcoin becomes known in 2009 when the world economy was on the crisis. Those big banks were doing fraud with clients and manipulating the system.
  • So, basically Bitcoin founder actually wants to get rid of the third party and put the seller in charge. They want to make transaction safe and secure without any interest fees and corruption.
  • Bitcoin is a decentralized system, it means it doesn’t have any central hub or any insinuation like banks etc that controls the amount of Bitcoin.
  • Bitcoin has come too far in such a short time.  Now globally different big companies are accepting Bitcoin as currency.

Understanding of Bitcoin in Depth

Bitcoin has a different importance for different persons. The Bitcoin process is organized and easy to understand.  Bitcoin uses peer to peer technology for the transaction of Bitcoins. All of these transferred are tracked on “Blockchain” and known as the giant ledger.  This giant ledger saves all the transaction of Bitcoin that ever made. The giant ledger records every transaction and whenever it made. 17 million bitcoins are currently in circulation. No one is yet controlling the supply of bitcoins, that’s means that supply is controlled by design. The total supply of bitcoins that will be ever created is 21 million bitcoins.

How Does Bitcoin work?

Before further getting into details about working of bitcoins, if you are not interested in the technical process then you can check my last article about cryptocurrency where you can find a simple example of bitcoin working. As I told before, Bitcoin is decentralized and work on a giant ledger also called a blockchain.  Bitcoin is a secure process and uses a great verification method which minimizes the risk of hacking and fraud. Volunteers of bitcoin referred to as” miners” who constantly update and verify the blockchain as you all know that bitcoin is decentralized. When a specific amount of bitcoin transactions is verified then another block is added to the blockchain and that’s how the business continues as usual. May you have heard the term “mining” many times when reading about bitcoins. So I will explain to you briefly today about mining.

Introduction to Mining?

As you all know now that in bitcoin there is no central hub for verifying the transaction of bitcoins. So all the people on the networks are verified each transaction. The people who are verifying transaction are miners and all of this process will be called Mining.  Mining is a process that keeps the bitcoins secure by adding the new transaction or updating it and keeping them in the ledger. Let me explain the process simpler so you will understand. Now you must be thinking how could a person sit 24 hours for this single process and verify and update all the procedure. Actually, there is not any human being who is doing this process but hardware are used to perform Bitcoin mining.  And these hardware called miners. Miners are presented with math problems and the first one who will solve this problem will add a new transaction (or block) in the ledger. All of these calculations are stand on Proof of Work. There is a reward system involved in the process of Bitcoins. The one miner who will solve first will get a reward. The reward got changes over time with the update of Bitcoin programming. The most successful process uses in bitcoin is ASICS–Application-Specific Integrated Circuits.  ASICS are hardware systems similar to CPU but these are only designs for bitcoin mining. All of the mining processes take a lot of power and effort. The competition is higher in this bitcoin mining and that makes it difficult for new people to enter the race and get profit.

Bitcoin wallets

There are different applications you can use to store your bitcoins in the wallet.  As you all know already this is a digital currency and you can’t keep it in your pocket.  But first, let me introduce you some useful definition before going further in detail.
  1. Exchange Platform
It is a platform where you can trade money to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ethereum. You can also buy and sell one cryptocurrency to others.
  1. Hard Wallet
It is an offline wallet that is not linked to any network.
  1. Public Cryptographic Key
The Public Cryptographic Key is like your bank account number. The Public Cryptographic Key is the information you give someone to receive cryptos.
  1. Private Cryptographic Key
It is key that will allow you to spend your bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency.  You can't share it with anyone because if you did they can steal your bitcoins or transfer to their wallets.
  1. Wallet platform
Wallet platform is like your bank account where all of your cryptocurrencies are kept.

How can I store my Bitcoins?

Now you can understand the bitcoin wallet terms easily. Let’s jump into it with further details. Bitcoin has secure transaction technique and it is difficult to hack the wallet and if you had ever heard that bitcoin being hacked. It does not mean that someone wallet got hacked but it would be probably the exchange platform. There are different wallet platforms and are extremely secure that make it impossible to hack.
  • Full Client
It is an email server that handles all the aspect of processes without relying on any third party. It allows you to control your whole transaction from beginning to end by yourself.  But sadly this is not for beginners.
  • Hard Wallet
A hard wallet is like a USB that allows you to store cryptocurrencies key offline. Your cryptocurrency will be only live on your hard wallet and it is not possible to hack unless someone steals your hard wallet.
  • Web Client
A web client is opposite to Full client. It totally depends on the third party. The third party will help you to operate your all transaction.
  • Lightweight Client
This is an alone email client that helps you in connect to mail server to access all the email.  It would store all your bitcoins but it also needs a third party server owned server to access the network and make the transaction.

Types of Bitcoin wallets

Wallet basically comes with five different main types. Each type has its own advantage and disadvantage.
  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Web
  • Hardware
  • Paper

How to Buy Bitcoins

It was difficult to buy bitcoin in the past because of the trouble of finding a trustworthy place to buy bitcoins. But now as the popularity of bitcoins, the demand for bitcoins got increased and many new companies have decided to help in easily purchasing Bitcoins. Now day’s bitcoins exchanges are receiving huge investments. Coinbase is a good platform to buy and sell your bitcoins. Its got launched in 2012 and providing users with an easier way to buy bitcoins. It is the easiest ways for newcomers who want to buy bitcoins. Gemini is another great place to buy bitcoins. It was founded in 2015 by Tyler and Cameron.

Pros of Bitcoin

  • Payment can be made to anyone and at any time instantly
  • Does not require any third party for the transaction
  • Data of Bitcoin can’t be manipulated by any person, bank, or government
  • Processing fees of bitcoins are low
  • Transaction of Bitcoin can’t be reversed

Cons of Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin Exchange hacks
  • Mining Scams
  • Lack of adoption by business
  • The strength of bitcoin lies in its networking effects.
  • Transactions are slow and you have to wait almost ten minutes for your network to approve


Everything in this world comes with advantage and disadvantage. Now it is up to you how you will use it in your life. Bitcoin is free from third party interference and manipulations. It is a transparent system where you are aware that what is happening with your money. Bitcoin is going to grow stronger when most of the people will be aware of its efficiency. NOW it is time for your respond. What do you think about bitcoins? Comment down below for any further query and suggestions.

Introduction to Ethereum (ETH) - Complete Guide For Beginners

If you want to know what is Etherum, then you are in the right place. I am going to tell you in detail about what Ethereum is, and how does it work. There will be also the pros and cons of Ethereum. As I discussed in my previous articles about them with complete guide. That bitcoin was created in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. But no one knows who he is and the interesting thing about bitcoin is that it is decentralized and nobody owns it. There is no COE, CMO, CTO, etc. In it. They are all developers who are working from around the world.  So, if you don’t know about them, then start off by reading them. The question that might come up in your mind that what Etherum is and what is the reason behind the existence of Ethereum. Don’t worry, I will explain each and everything in detail down below. You must be aware of the fact that our data are stored on other peoples' computers.  Clouds and servers are owned by Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc. Even this single tiny article is stored on some cloud.   As we all know that our data on the internet is not safe. There are different authorities who can access our data at any time and they can get our personal data, financial and passwords. The hacker and the government can access your data at any time and can modify it. In short word, they can change or leak and steal your data anytime. People from diverts platforms come outside and said that the internet was meant to be decentralized.  That's why blockchain technology emerged to achieve the goal of making the digital world decentralized. And Ethereum is the newest technology to join this trend.

What is Etherum?

  • Etherum is an open software program based on blockchain technology. It allows developers to develop and extend decentralized applications.
Is Etherum is related to Bitcoin? No, they are not similar much, but kind of similar in different ways. I will discuss them with you in detail.
  • Ethereum is a public blockchain network like Bitcoin.
  • Their purpose and capability of doing work are different.
  • Etherum is focused on running the programming code of any decentralized application, but bitcoin focuses on only one application.
  • The bitcoin blockchain is used to trace the ownership of bitcoin. While Etherum focuses on running the program code.
  • There are real people who are working behind this cryptocurrency
  • It is based on smart contracts

What are smart contracts?

Smart contracts are a digital code well some people call it only code. It is also called “Digital Triggers”. You can implement them online to execute a certain task that you need. Let me explain it with an example.

Virtual vending machine

I put an escrow and add some of certain rules in escrow. Meaning, when certain people will register their five votes into escrow automatically. And then automatically that escrow will open up and send five people this cryptocurrency ether.

vending machine

Or maybe some of you will understand with this simple example. It is the same as a vending machine where you will put a dollar then press a code and that code will execute a trigger. And that triggers in all spin on a different candy bar for you and you will get the one you pressed code for. Smart contracts are based on rules and laws. And it is just a computer code that can help you in exchange money, share, content, and property, etc.  A smart contract is a self-operating computer program that runs when it meets specific conditions. It runs on the blockchain as they programs without the interpretation of any third party.  While blocking programmed have the ability to process code but in very restricted manners. But Ehterum is totally different, they allow developers to build operations they want. That means a developer can build different applications. In the Etherum blockchain miner works to earn Ether.  Ether is a type of crypto token. Notes: Okay let me clear you what Ether is and it is the currency that is used to buying services in Etherum.  And Ether is a digital currency that is used for trading. There is also a one more token too, that is used to pay miners fees to include transactions in their block. And it is called Gas.

History of Etherum

Etherum has a  controversial and significant history. Etherum was founded by the taluk butyrin and got released in 2015. It is becoming better to know cryptocurrency outside Bitocin. It has a completely different blockchain protocol. Recognized for sorting all the computer programs. The purpose behind creating Ethereum was to take advantage of the potential provided by blockchain technology.

What Ethereum can be used for?

It allows developers to build and extend decentralized applications.  Dapp or Decentralized app serves a different purpose to its users. For example, bitcoin is a Dapp that provides its users a peer-to-peer digital cash system and that enables a bitcoin online system. A decentralized application is one that runs on the blockchain network, and it is not controlled by any single person or central hub or entity. Through Ethereum any service that is centralized can be decentralized, for example, voting system, loan provided, etc. Etherenum can also build Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO). DAO is fully decentralized without any leader. It runs on programming code and on a collection of the smart contract written on the Etherum Blockchain. It can be own by anyone who buys its token. But instead of each token equalizing to equality shares and ownership. This token acts as contributing and that contribution give different people voting rights.    It is also used as a platform to launch other cryptocurrencies. Lately, Ethreum has created a new standard to track unique digital assets. Different games are developed recently using this technology like overnight hit crypto-kitties.

Advantages of Etherum

Here is the main advantage of Ethereum that will develop your more interest in it.
  • A third party can’t change its data
  • All the applications, organizations or projects that are running under Etherum cannot be turned off.
  • The security in Ethereum is super strong because of the PoW consensus and cryptographic techniques that are used in the transaction model. The central point network is so strong that protects the model from hacking and manipulations.
  • Because of Pow consensus censorship is unfeasible.

Disadvantages of Etherum

  • There is nothing in this world that does not have any disadvantages. Everything comes with its own advantage and disadvantages and that makes it more attractive and grab peoples' attention.
  • Here is the disadvantage of Etherum:
  • It is capable of being attacked by hackers. That can be used through the complexity of the basic programming language used in smart contracts, Solidity.
  • The Ethereum main focus is on decentralization and security over Scalability.

Ethereum Mining

As you have read in another article about bitcoin mining. It is similar to bitcoin mining, you will know about it more when you read it. But still, there are few major differences between bitcoin mining and Etherum mining. In Ethereum mining blockchain is not only stored the transaction list of the blockchain but also note down the most recent state of the network.
  1. Use Patrica Trees rather than Merkel Trees in its blockchain regulations that enable Ethereum to efficiently store.
  2. The block time is 12 seconds.
  3. Miner paid for gas expended in blocks.
  4. The reward of the static block is 3 ETH.
  5. The Ethash Mining Algorithm (Uses DAG).
  6. There is an extra reward for including Uncles as blocks.
If you are in a hurry and don’t have much to read all the article. You want to know the answers to the questions. Then read them below, there are few important short questions about Ethereum is available for you.
  • What is Etherum? A Blockchain application platform.
  • What is Ether? It is the fuel of the Ethereum network.
  • How to use Ethereum? By dapps, wallet, and trading.
  • Who created Ethereum? Vitalik Buterin.
  • How Ether Works? It is work by turning complete programming, EVM and State
  • How Etherum Mining Works? It works by “Proof of stake” and “Proof of work”.
  • How to Mine Ethereum? By pooling and mining software and GPUs.
  • How do Ethereum smart contracts work? It worked with gas, transaction, and fees.


So now you have a clear idea of what is Etherum unless you don’t, then read this conclusion with full concentration. It will help you in understanding different things. As you all know Ethereum is one of the most popular platforms in cryptocurrency and the blockchain world today. Looks like Ethereum is going to stay for a long time in the decentralized application.   It is helping us in changing the way of the usage of the internet. So let us know if you have any questions related to this article. I will love to answer all your questions. And tell us what is your favorite cryptocurrency so I will cover that cryptocurrency in my next post.

What Is Ripple (XPR) - Everything You Need To Know

If you have an interest in cryptocurrency then there is no doubt that you have NOT already heard about Ripple (XPR) or What is Ripplee (XPR). Ripple is not just a cryptocurrency, it is also a platform. Ripple is an open source platform which allows doing cheap and fast transactions. I have put together this complete beginner guide for you. I am going to discuss everything you need to know about Ripple (XPR). Ripple is one of the top five cryptocurrencies and on the top of the list is as usual bitcoin and Ethereum is holding a second position. Ripple is in the third position. We are going to cover every aspect of ripple for you, so have patience and read it till the end. You are going to learn so many new things about Ripple in this article you may have not heard before. For deeper information about Ripple keep reading. The topic I am going to cover are:
  • what is Ripple (XPR) ?
  • What is RippleNet - How does Ripple Work?
  • What is the Ripple protocol Consensus algorithm RPCA?
  • Uses of the Ripple.
  • Banks Support Ripple.
  • Benefits Of Ripple.
  • Is it safe to invest in Ripple?
  • How is it different from Bitcoin?
  • Where can you buy XRP?
  • Which wallet to save XRP?
  • Conclusion
So, you must be thinking what is Ripple (XPR)? Ripple was founded in  2012 by a San-Francisco Fintech company name Ripple Lab Inc. The aim of this company was to provide instant, secure and affordable transaction platform. Brad is the CEO of Ripple Ripple has built upon the open source an internet protocol. Ripple has an aim to increase the efficiency of the transaction between financial institutions. The word  Ripple is most of the time used to refer its digital currency XRP. But they allow other people to use this platform and create their own RippleNet.

What is RippleNet - How does Ripple Work?

RippleNet is a network that provides payment to different organisations like banks and other money service business. They all use solutions what Ripple has provided them to send money globally with a smooth experience. Might be you have not understood what actually Ripplenet network does and how it helps individuals.  Here is an example for you. Justin lives in Newyork and has a cookie box he does not need. He is just interested in watching a football match. But he does not have a ticket. Adam who lives in a California has a rare book which he would like to giveaway for a cookie box. Annie who lives in Los Angles has a ticket for a football game and has not any interest in a football game. But want to read an interesting or a rare book. We are living in a system where we don’t have sources to find each other and make our not valuable things valuable. But in the Ripple platform, you could by saying “Hey, I have a cookie box but I want a football game ticket”.  Then Ripple network will look for a shortest and efficient way to make it happen. Besides it, it allows making payment in any currency including bitcoin. The minimal transactional fee is $0.00001. It is only because of preventing the system from DDOS attack.

What is the Ripple protocol Consensus algorithm RPCA?

As I told you before that Ripple has a distinctive way of working than Bitcoin and Ethereum. It does not have a blockchain but uses its own technology RPCA to verify transition and make sure everything is ok. Word ‘Consensus’ means that if every node agrees with the rest then it means there is no issue. Here is an example: Suppose there is a place where ten wise man lives and a city need all of them agreed on one thing to make a decision. The decision could be anything like about the release of prisoner or rises of tax etc. But if one of them disagree then nothing will happen until we figure out what is his problem.

Pros of Ripple

  • Low commission currency exchange
As you all probably aware of the fact that many currencies can’t convert directly with each other. That's why the banks use the US dollar as a medium to convert currencies. Therefore banks take a double commission for converting money. They will convert A money to US dollar and again US dollar to B money. Ripple also works as mediators but is much cheaper than US dollar.
  • Fast Worldwide Transactions
Regardless of cheap commission Ripple is a fast international transaction mediator. The average transaction time of Ripple is 4 second. If we compare it with Bitcoin which takes hours for the transaction and regular banks take days.
  • Payment ecosystem
It is an interesting fact that a user can create his/her own currency for transaction. For example, an individual can create a currency to buy a football game.

Banks Support for Ripple

  1. Yes Bank
  2. Santander
  3. Axis Bank
  4. Westpac
  5. UBS
  6. Union Credit
  7. NBAD

Benefits Of Ripple

There are so many benefits of Ripple that can amaze you. Here are a few important ones I am going to highlight in this post.
  • More powerful than bitcoin because it is a day to the day payment system. Moreover, it is the fattest and efficient platform in a transaction.
  • An official organization started Ripple. So their main goal is to be used by a bank.
  • Ripple has an ability to change in any currency including gold etc with a minimal commission.

Is it safe to invest in Ripple?

As I told before in 8 Best Cryptocurrency To Invest In 2019 article that what are the best cryptocurrencies for you to invest in. As you all know that there is not a single place in this world where investment is 100% safe. There is always risk include in your any decision. Regardless of all the fact following are some advantage and disadvantages for you.


  • As I mentioned above that Ripple is the most trusted digital currencies by many banks. Because it is not a company with no name but there is an organization behind it.
  • All the tokens have already existed, and there is no doubt of inflation.
  • Ripple currency is climbing the currency chart and now is on 3rd position.
  • The XRP value will be increased if banks start to use it as their transaction platform.


  • It is centralized, but the cryptocurrencies are recognised for decentralization. Ripples developer can control its number of releasing or not releasing. It is like a bank.
  • There is also on another drawback that ripples lab has owned it 61 percent of coins.
  • There are chances of being hacked despite its open source and very smart built.

Difference between Ripple & Bitcoin

The main contrast between Ripple and Bitcoin is that:
  1. Ripple is centralised but Bitcoin is decentralised.
  2. Bitcoin is blockchain based technology but Ripple is not.
  3. Ripple uses HashTree to compile the data.
  4. The main focus of Ripple is to move money across the world fast.
  5. Token of Ripple is not mined like Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

Where can you buy XRP?

There are different platforms available where you can buy XRP. You can buy it from these exchanges.
  • Binance
  • Bittrex
  • Bitstamp
  • Kraken
  • Bitfinex
There are many other different places where you can buy but these are the most popular and trusted one.

Which wallet to save XRP?

When you will buy XRP, you must have to hold them in a wallet safely. I am going to share with you the best wallet for XRP. The ledger Nano S is the most used hardware wallet, its support XRP storage. As it is a hardware wallet and it is safer to store your cryptocurrency and easy to use. I will always recommend using a hardware wallet. It is another one of the most used wallets, Toast Wallet is an open source wallet. It is available on Windows, Mac, Linux, IOS and Android. It is a software wallet and I will not recommend you to store a large amount of XRP.


I hope you could understand now What Ripple is and how it's work - It allows almost immediate cross border transaction with cheap cost. Ripple is the 3rd biggest coin by market capitalization. Moreover, Standing at the same position for a long time is not an easy task but XRP is doing it for a long time. Ripple is reaching their goals by doing all the advancements in the system and adding more banks to their system. Ripple holds significant financial capital and doing all the effective partnership with big companies. Besides, if XRP got to succeed in gaining Worldwide adoption then the transaction amount will be tiny as compared to current costs. But nothing is happening like this for now. But we can be hopeful for a change. What do you think about Ripple and XRP? Are you going to invest in XRP in future or have you invested? Let me know by commenting below and if you have any query feel free to ask. I am going to cover many other cryptocurrencies topics that you should know except What is Ripple (XPR) - A complete beginner guide.  So keep visiting our Blog or bookmark our website and visit it daily or weekly for the latest cryptocurrency updates.

Types of Bachelor degree

Hello Friends! I hope you are doing well. Today, In this tutorial, I am going to cover the topic of "Types of Bachelor degree". A bachelor’s degree is a three to four-year undergraduate academic degree that usually has to encompass 40 courses or 120-semester credits. In fact, having a bachelor’s degree is the measurement of the standard to get into many professional careers. Therefore, getting a bachelor’s degree will be the ticket to a more promising career. In this post, I'm going to discuss the types of Bachelor degree, popular programs under these types, and their benefits. Further, I have described the top countries offering Bachelor degree programs.

Types of Bachelor degree

Mostly, you cannot start a professional graduate school in law, medicine, or teacher education without a bachelor’s degree. It means you will always need a bachelor’s before joining a master’s program to open the door to even more career chances. Thinking about the different types of bachelor degrees? However, It is very important to know to choose your major area. You have to mention the specific area on your CV and job application. Broadly, the Bachelor's degree is divided into two categories.
  • First is 'Bachelor of Arts'.
  • Second is 'Bachelor of Science'.
Let's focus on these types first.

Bachelor of Science

A degree in BS is one of the most common types of bachelor's degrees that many universities offer. If you want to choose a science field, this is the right degree for you. The BS degree is less focused on exploration and more focused on the specific concentration. Bachelor of Science students have to focus particularly on the field of their major. However, they tend to be more career-focused. Here we listed some of the most popular field areas under this degree.
  • Biology.
  • Chemistry.
  • Mathematics.
  • Physics.
  • Computer Science.
  • Business.
  • Nursing.
  • Engineering.
  • Economics.
  • Nutrition.
  • Natural Sciences.
  • Education.

Bachelor of Arts

Another very popular degree type of bachelors is the BA. This degree mainly focuses on the subjects like humanities and human sciences. However, this doesn’t mean you avoided Mathematics, Economy and other exact subjects. Many B.A. studies include them as minors, but the curriculum is easier. Importantly, the point is the main thing about a Bachelor’s of the Art program is that it’s centered on theoretical knowledge. Besides, it still covers some of the natural sciences as well. The common majors within this degree are:
  • English.
  • History.
  • Communication.
  • Human Development.
  • Education.
  • Economics.
  • Earth Science.
  • Foreign Languages programs.
  • Fashion Merchandising.
  • Anthropology.
  • Geology.
  • Interior Design.

Exception: B.A. in the UK

In the UK, for example, in traditional universities such as Cambridge or Oxford, Bachelor of Arts degrees belong to all fields of study, including the scientific ones. Are you confused? Thus, here are some examples:
  • B.A. in Graphic Designing in College Contemporary Art (London).
  • Business Management in International University American (London).

Bachelor of Fine Arts 

After a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts, the third common type of bachelor's degree is the BFA. It is not the most popular bachelor's degree type, but still worthy to discuss. It is a great choice if you are interested in the arts. The BFA is a professional or vocational degree. The aim of a BFA program is to enable their students to become professionals in the creative arts. This includes painters, singers, dancers, actors, and sculptors, etc. However, the main difference between a BFA and a BA program is they focus more on their major concentration than on general studies. Are you creative and artistic, then a BFA is the best for you to have a bright future. A degree in fine arts gives devotion to the production of art and aesthetics. Below are the majors in this degree include:
  • Creative Writing.
  • Dance.
  • Ceramics.
  • Art (Drawings and Paintings, so on).
  • Photography.
  • Printmaking.
  • Graphic Designing.
These majors usually need to be a portfolio part of the assessment in which you present your collective work to complete your degree. But if you cannot even draw a straight line, you must not choose this degree. But if you have some creative and productive thinking that needs to be set, you can go towards a BFA program. The U.S. Department of Education further approves over 80 types of bachelor’s degrees listed below.
  • Bachelor of Architecture.
  • Bachelor of Arts.
  • Bachelor of Business.
  • Bachelor of Science in Business.
  • Bachelor of Canon Law.
  • Bachelor of Computer Science.
  • Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Criminal Justice.
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration.
  • Bachelor of Divinity.
  • Bachelor of Education.
  • Bachelor of Science in Education.
  • Bachelor of Wireless Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems.
  • Bachelor of Science in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Computer Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management.
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Fiber Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Materials Science & Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Systems.
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Systems Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts.
  • Bachelor of Science in Drafting Design Technology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical/Electronic Technology.
  • Bachelor of Forestry.
  • Bachelor of Science in Forest Research.
  • Bachelor of Hebrew Letters.
  • Bachelor of Literature.
  • Bachelor of Marine Science.
  • Bachelor of Music.
  • Bachelor of Nursing.
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy.
  • Bachelor of Philosophy.
  • Bachelor of Religious Education.
  • Bachelor of Science.
  • Bachelor of Journalism.
  • Bachelor of Laws.
  • Bachelor of Liberal Studies.
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.
  • Bachelor of Technology.
Among all the 3 popular Bachelor programs according to 'The National Center for Education' are:
  • Business.
  • Health professions.
  • Social sciences and history.
These three have been getting dramatically popular and increased in growth over the past ten years, have a look below.
  • Business majors have increased by 17 %.
  • Health profession majors have increased by 168%.
  • Social sciences and history majors have increased by 6%.

Other types of Bachelor Degrees

Some universities choose to name their degrees a little different than the well-known names before. So don't get confused with the names, let's discuss these types also. Actually, these degrees are almost similar in nature and requirements as a BS, BA, or BFA degree program. These are listed below:
  • Bachelor of Education.
  • Bachelor of Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Computer Science.
  • Bachelor of Social Work.
  • Bachelor of Nursing.

Bachelor degree in Applied Science

Bachelor in Applied sciences program has different criteria, which depends on the country you will select to study. In most of the cases, the Bachelor in this degree mean to cover the study courses which have great practical applications. For example, degree in Nursing. That gives you complete practical knowledge to treat the patients. In some countries like Netherlands and Canada, this is considered as a professional degree. And it is similar to the degree of Bachelor in Engineering. Here, I have listed some other fields of Applied Sciences that you can choose according to your interest.
  • Biochemical engineering.
  • Architectural Science.
  • Applied Physics.
  • Applied Mathematics.
  • Biological engineering.
  • Chemical engineering.
  • General engineering.
  • Automotive engineering.
Besides, In some universities and colleges from the United States, the Bachelor of Applied Sciences is a professional and technical degree. And loved to choose by many students because it will provide you a stable and bright carrier in future. Moreover, the students who applied to this program will get experienced and professional experts who provide them the practical knowledge to improve their skills. After graduation, students will have an acknowledged certificate and will be able to apply for jobs in advancing their technical skills.

Bachelor degree in Engineering

The Bachelor in Engineering program is basically offered to those students who had studied Engineering sciences in their FSc. Further, it completed mostly in three to four years depend on your specialization in this field. A Bachelor in Engineering programs are considered equal to the BSc in Science degrees academically. After graduation, you can continue your Master studies in these fields. This is further divided into following categories, according to the specialization areas.
  • BSc in Engineering.
  • Bachelor in Business Administration.
  • Bachelor in Business Engineering.

Bachelor in Business Administration

The less known form of MBA degree, the BBA degree gives you an overview of all the subjects related to Business Administration. It helps you to understand how a company works. Regular courses include Economics, Accounting, Management and many more. BBA is normally the most comprehensive management degree in terms of business plan and practice. If you want to focus on a particular aspect of running a business, then go for one of the following types of BBAs: Bachelor’s in Business Management, preparing you for the leadership and control part of running a company Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, teaching you the analytical and math sides of the business. Do you wish to play a vital role in the business world? Bachelor's degree in business offers knowledge of academic business, practical relevance, and personal development. This degree will give you advance analytical and management skills during developing your character.

What do you expect from this degree?

  • Academic BSc degree in three years.

  • Get full attention from the experts.

  • Focus on improving the skills including the leadership and personal abilities.

  • Get an International experience Through exchanging programs.

The Bachelor of Laws degree is offered if your study is is on Law. Compared to other Bachelor's degree programs such as the Bachelor of Science or the Bachelor of Arts, the Bachelor of Laws is not that popular, yet. It doesn’t offer in the U. S. But most popular in the UK. For instance, a degree covers your way to becoming a lawyer, giving you get practice experience and pass bar exams.

Joint degree

Also known as a dual or combined degree, the joint degree is actually the collaboration of two universities. Not necessarily found in the same country. That means you have the chance to live in more than one. Isn't this amazing? To get a clearer understanding, here’s one example of a joint degree program:
  • Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering, at INSA Lyon and the University of Strathclyde.
  • The joint degrees have the same duration as a regular program. And usually, the two degrees you’ll get on the same subject at the end. However, there are also options that you can study two different subjects as well.

Associate degree

  • The Associate Degree is very common in North America. And granted after a 2-year study.
  • Many colleges offer a 2+2 program after finishing an Associate Degree. And students can complete a Bachelor’s degree faster, in just two years.
Except for universities in Ireland, the UK, France, and most of Europe, this Degree is not considered a higher education degree, but a professional certification required for getting specific practical or technical skills.

Preparation degree

The preparatory course also known as a foundation degree is aimed to prepare students for college or university education. Most European countries provide supplemental information to the general education system. And these are designed to improve the chances for a good university organization. Therefore, they are great if you need the required qualification to get admission to a foreign university. Find the program that fits your education level, learning, and career goals, and starts your study abroad adventure today.

Top countries offering Bachelor degrees

Bachelor degree in Europe

Briefly, we will discuss the the top countries offered BS degree. First is Europe is the home of many oldest and prestigious universities in the world. Many universities in Europe have given infinite contributions to society. Also continue providing the best quality education. Students seeking a Bachelors’ degree in Europe have not only benefits from an outstanding education, but also experience a high standard of living, cities, beautiful landscapes, and interesting travel opportunities around the region. In addition, students from all over the world want to do a bachelor’s degree in Europe. Some of the famous programs that students choose to study are political science, economics, art history, international affairs, sociology, engineering, the hard sciences, business philosophy, and information technology. For a bachelor’s degree in Europe, requirements vary from the country and degree program. However, a minimum of three years of full-time study is needed; also have the options of part-time and online studies.

Bachelor degree in USA

The students also get attracted to USA for their graduation. There are so many universities available around the globe offering popular bachelor's degree programs. The USA is also among the top countries offered a large range of programs for study. The universities  offering Bachelor degrees are available in a number of cities range from modern cities to small towns, you can choose according to your interest. Doing a bachelor’s degree from the USA, students get the chance to experience and learn many things. Further it will enhance your learning environment as well. Moreover, they provide high quality knowledge and practical skills in all faculties to their students. Students have many kinds of options to select their major studies. For example, engineering, computer science, philosophy, biology, fine arts, economics, business, architecture, sociology, and many more. A bachelor’s degree in the USA usually needs a minimum of full time four years study. However, the option of part time and online study programs are also available.

Bachelor degree in China

China is also known as a top target for many international students to study for several reasons. The student in China can enjoy, including beautiful views, rich history, and excellent food, interesting art and theatre, beautiful cities, and many more to see. Besides this, China has great programs for study in many different programs. A Bachelor in China degree is becoming popular for study because of China’s position as an economic and world power. In addition, students getting a Bachelor's in China program have many options in different fields of study. Some of the more common Bachelor's programs in China are in the business field, like accounting, marketing, and finance, or the fields like economics, information technology biology, computer science, anthropology, and architecture. Hence, students get benefits from excellent academics and great faculty.

Bachelor degree in Australia

Many students throughout the world liked to choose a BS degree from Australia. Australia is giving a high-quality education and has many universities offering a variety of programs. With a bachelor's degree in Australia, you get international experience as students travel from around the globe. That will enhance the learning experience and allow you to personally grow. Moreover, students of Bachelor in Australia will learn the essentials in their chosen discipline. But they also will gain the skills needed to think critically, creatively, and individually.

Bachelor degree in Malaysia

In the end, bachelor programs in Malaysia give students a different range of study options in Kuala Lumpur, Terengganu, Selangor, Johor, Sarawak, and many other parts of the country. Malaysia has lots of public and private universities, many of these have strong relationships with international institutions overseas. Bachelor students get many opportunities to make a strong network that exceeds boundaries. Further, bachelor's programs in Malaysia normally last for four to five years, depending on the program of study. A different variety of learning styles are used in the educational process, with the aim of all students and their multiple learning modes. Including, Medicine, Dental Surgery, Electrical Engineering, Biotechnology, Finance, and Management are just some of the Bachelor's programs offered at universities and technical colleges in Malaysia.

There are some important points you must read before applying

Think about that:
  • Does this degree program you want to choose, fulfil the standards for your planned profession?
  • Will your profession need this degree? Is this degree program is certified?
  • Will this bachelor’s degree further move on to a master’s degree program if you want to continue your study?
  • What is the cost of this program? is this fir for you?
  • Does this degree have any financial scholarship available?
  • Does the degree is online or on-campus?
  • What are the future opportunities of this degree program?
Also, application specifications are varied from university to university. So do complete research on the website of the selected university.  Most colleges require a high school diploma or other test requirements. Truly, you have to complete the requirement on the application form. You may also need to submit additional documents, such as transcripts. I hope this article will help you to understand the types of Bachelor degrees and programs offered by different universities. Have a good day.

Introduction to Cryptocurrency - Complete Beginner Guide

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we will have a look at a detailed Introduction to Cryptocurrency. You may have heard the term cryptocurrency first time from your friend, family or colleague and you will be confused. What is it? Why would someone need cryptocurrency in their life? They may have told you about it briefly that it is like a dollar or other currency etc.

We have decided to publish a series of articles where we will explain cryptocurrency in simple and easy-to-understand language. So let’s walk through this together.

I am here to help you and going to explain it in the easiest way that anyone could understand. It is a complete beginner guide for the one who does nothing about cryptocurrency and heard about it first time in their life. Besides, you can check out Dchained to find tons of information about cryptocurrencies and how to work with them.

Before we further go into detail. Let me tell you now that maybe there are not many people who do know about cryptocurrency but it is becoming globally phenomenal now.

The topics we are going to cover in this article are:

  • What is cryptocurrency?
  • History of cryptocurrency.
  • What is the story of bitcoin?
  • Cryptocurrencies in reality?
  • What can we do with cryptocurrency?
  • How does Cryptocurrency work?
  • Name of the most popular cryptocurrencies.
  • Can you transfer cryptocurrency to a bank account or trade for cash?
  • Why should you buy a cryptocurrency?

What is cryptocurrency?

The easy answer to this question is: Cryptocurrency is digital money.

  • Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency and it doesn’t have any physical form.  It is the medium of exchange in the digital world.

To secure transactions between mediums, it uses cryptography (cryptography is the skill of encoding code). Crypto means hidden and cryptography means hidden code that no one can understand except the sender and receiver. Cryptography makes transactions secure.

The aim of cryptocurrency is to do a transaction with each other without any third party i.e. banks.

History of cryptocurrency

  • In 1990, few digital geeks try to make currency through cryptography because they didn’t want to depend on third parties for sharing their money and information.
  • They wanted freedom because they thought the government had too much power in their lives. In other words, digital geeks didn’t seem to trust third parties.
  • They tried to make digicash and cybercash on those times in the 90s but in the end, got failed in this attempt.
  • After that, no one particularly seemed to work in this cryptocurrency field. But in 2009 an unknown entity “Satoshi Nakamoto” created Bitcoin.
  • You have to understand what Bitcoin is to understand cryptocurrency.

What is the story of Bitcoin?

  • It is a secret who Satoshi Nakamoto is. Because still no one knows either it is he or she or a group of people. He only communicates with others through email and crypto forums.
  • Satoshi Nakamoto said in his announcement of bitcoin “A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System is developed for Bitcoin".
  • Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper in 2008 and described how Bitcoin actually works. The First Bitcoin transaction was made on January 12 between Satoshi Nakamoto and a coder Hal Finney of 10 BTC.
  • Within a time Bitcoin becomes more popular among different people who thought it is important and going to become more popular in the future.  One Bitcoin was worth one dollar in April 2011. But in December 2017 one Bitcoin was worth more than 20,000 Dollars. Today the price of one Bitcoin is 4,991 Dollars.
  • Now hundreds and thousands of people are currently using it and there is no third party included in this process. There are different famous websites that are accepting bitcoin currency on their websites like WordPress, Piratebay, ok cupid and Reddit.
  • There are many other digital currencies that are working on the same basis but are using different codes for them like Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, Primecoin, etc.

Cryptocurrencies in reality?

In the simpler word, the reality of cryptocurrencies is that If we take all the problematic equations out of cryptocurrencies and reduced all the noise. Then you will discover that it consists of only on simpler entries or records in the database and no one can change it until meeting a few particular conditions. This maybe seems strange to you or usual, but the reality of the currency is this simpler. Here is an example of your daily life. Let’s talk about your bank account money. The money you have in your bank account is nothing more than entries in a database. These entries of the database only can be changed under some specific conditions.  Hence money is all about verified entries in some sort of database of records and balances.

What can we do with cryptocurrency?

  • In the past merchant was not accepting any cryptocurrency.  But now day’s situation is different and merchants are accepting cryptocurrency.                                      
  • Cryptocurrency has so many benefits now. You can send your money to the family without getting extra charged fees by 3rd parties like banks etc.  You have no longer to worry about an invalid check and payment fraud by different people or companies. All transitions will be secure and you can send them directly to anyone.
  • Bitcoin is so common nowadays and people are using it for paying hotel bills, flights, apps, jewelers, college degrees and so many more.
  • Different other digital currency of cryptocurrency is not common yet and not accepting widely by merchants. But things are changing slowly and even APPLE has authorized ten cryptocurrencies. Now people can pay through these cryptocurrencies for the app store.
  • There are different market places like openBazar & Bitify that only accept cryptocurrencies.

How does Cryptocurrency work?

In cryptocurrency, there is not a single central record of the transaction. But they distribute many copies of the ledger around the world and each owner of each copy record every transaction. They trust each other. How? Let me explain in a simpler word for you! For example, you are going to buy something using cryptocurrency.  You will give him all the details about yourself and then the merchant or shopkeeper will ask all the other bookkeepers who have a record of each owner that if that buyer is good for the money.  Then the record keepers will check from their records to see if the buyer has enough money.  If the buyer has enough money then they will tell the shopkeeper that he/she has money. So, when the new transaction will be made now everyone will update their records to show the movement of money.  Keep in mind that all of the bookkeepers and ledgers are lots of computers, not people. Hence there is no way of making a fake transaction in it. But if someone tries to change a ledger and it would not match the rest of the copies and its get rejected. Then one of the random bookkeepers will get a reward for it.

Name of the most popular cryptocurrencies

  • Bitcoin: Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency that started in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. It is the most popular cryptocurrency and accepted globally.
  • Ethereum: Ethereum is a programmatic cryptocurrency that allows developers to build different apps and technologies. It is the most trustable cryptocurrency after Bitcoin.
  • Ripple: Ripple does not use blockchain method for the transaction. They use a different iterative consensus process for a transaction which makes it faster than Bitcoin. But it is a weak technique and hacker can hack easily. Ripple is, in fact, RTGS(Real Time Gross Settlement System).
  • Bitcoin Cash: Bitcoin cash is a part of Bitcoin and Bitcoin support it in manufacturing ASICs Bitcoin mining chips.
  • NEM: NEM use proof of work algorithm that is different from all other cryptocurrencies.  NEM used proof of importance which requires users to already have few coins to get the new one. In this, you can track your transactions result and others too. It will tell you the importance of particular users.
  • Litecoin: It started in 2011 and the intention of this cryptocurrency was to be the “digital silver” compared to Bitcoin which is “digital gold”. It is also a part of Bitcoin and this cryptocurrency can be mined.  It can be used in transacting services and goods.
  • Monero: Monero can provide you more privacy and you can’t trace easily through monero as comare to Bitcoin.  It used signature technology that makes it untraceable and secure.
  • Dash: Dash is actually digital cash and its use anonymization technology to secure the transaction. It was also known as Darkcoin and is secure and fast. It is a two-tire network.
  • IOTA: Ledger technology does use in IOTA cryptocurrency.  Proof of work requires in this also from a sender for the transaction.
Can you transfer cryptocurrency to a bank account or trade for cash? Yes! Definitely, you can transfer cryptocurrency to a bank account or trade for cash. There are many banks that are making it possible with fast and secure options.

Why should you buy a cryptocurrency?

There are so many reasons for buying cryptocurrency is but the most essentials are:
  • Easy to start and you can manage different and many accounts.
  • Safe place from hacker and cybercriminals.
  • Don’t need to share your personal information for buying cryptocurrency.
  • A single nickname can buy you all the digital money.
  • Millions of users are already using it and it getting bigger day by day.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir