Loops and Arrays in C#

Are you here to know more about loops and arrays in the C# programming? If so, then you have come to the right page. C# programming is among the most used programming languages in the entire world. It is easy to learn. But, if you do not have the concept of every term in the C# programming, it would be difficult for you. Do not worry because we got you. In this article, we will discuss Loops and Arrays used in C# programming. We request you to read this article till the end!

C# Programming Language: A Brief Description

C# (short for "C Sharp") is a type-secure, object-intended coding language. C# allows programmers to create a wide range of safe and robust .NET programs. It is a programming language related to the C series of programming dialects and is closely associated with Java, C++, JavaScript, and C developers. It is a component-intended coding language and language structures that closely enable these notions, making C# programming a simple language for developing and deploying programs. C# has evolved to accommodate new loads and program design methods.

C# Applications

The C# programming language may be utilized to create a wide range of programs and applications like smartphone apps, Microsoft Store, and Business applications in addition to Desktop and Online programs. It can also help you create reports, tasks, and extensions from the SQL Administration system. Some applications that the C# can develop are listed below:

  • Backend operations
  • Cloud-based applications
  • Windows Consumer tools
  • Online games
  • Unique iOS and Android applications
  • Azure cloud applications
  • Compatible technologies like SQL Server, SharePoint, Office, and others
  • Internet Explorer

The above are a few examples of the C# programming language applications. It has benefitted us a lot. In fact, the program where I am typing right now (Microsoft Word) is an excellent application of C# programming.

Loops And Arrays: What Are These?

The most awaited section of the article is here: Loops and Arrays. You might be thinking about these terms and their importance in the C# programming language. In simple words, it is crucial to understand and know about loops and arrays because they are a key to the C# programming language. Some programmers who learn to program online do not have a great understanding of these terms. As a result, they make errors and mistakes in their codes. But, we want you to know everything about C# programming so that you can work efficiently. Please start taking notes now!

Loops In C# Programming Language

You might find yourself in a situation where you have to run a section of code multiple times. Generally, the lines in a program are performed in order: the initial code statement runs first, then the next, etc. Different command structures are available in coding languages, allowing for more sophisticated execution routes. So, loops are one of those command structures.

Loops are utilized to repeat the execution of one or even more expressions until a requirement is met. There are various loops in the C# programming language that is:

  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Do-while Loop
  • Nested loops
  • Foreach Loop

Let us discuss the loop types in detail:

C# For Loop

The For Loop processes one or many statements numerous times as far as the looping requirement is fulfilled. The content of the For loop is processed if the iteration state is true. Or else, the command flow switches to the subsequent sentence following the For loop.

Below is a chart that illustrates the execution of the For loop:

The setup is finished first, as shown in the above figure. If some loop values are present, it defines and configures them. After that, the situation is analyzed. The loop core runs if this value is true. However, if it is untrue, execution moves to the subsequent statement following the For loop content. Following the operation of the looping body, the loop values are modified. The state is then double-checked, and the process proceeds.

The syntax of the For Loop is next:

The outcome of the above code is:

C# While Loop

The next type is the While Loop. Loops run single or multiple statements indefinitely as far as the sequencing condition is satisfied. The content of the For loop runs if the iteration value is satisfied. If not, then the command transfers to the subsequent statement. An illustration that proves the stream within the while loop is:

From the above illustration, the criterion is verified initially. The loop content is performed if the applied condition is correct. Control moves to the succeeding declaration if somehow the condition applied is untrue. The most important feature of the while loop is that it would never execute its operation if the stated condition is not true in the first round of evaluation. Just like the For Loop, the command jumps over the iteration and moves to the new sentence.

Below is the format code of the While Loop:

The following is a script that explains the While Loop:

The following is the result:

So, While Loop is of great importance in the C# programming language.

C# Do-while Loop

The next type that we are discussing is the Do-while Loop. Like other loop types in the C# programming, the Do-while Loop runs more than one statement numerous times if the looping requirement is met. It is identical to the preceding While loop, except that the While loop's evaluation state is always at the beginning of the cycle but, the Do-while loop's evaluation state is always at the conclusion. So it runs once invariably. The below chart explains the Do-while Loop execution.

As seen in the picture above, the initial timed loop element executes immediately. It is because the trial requirement is at the end. The situation is examined. If accurate, the loop content runs once more, and if not, then action flows onto the subsequent statement. The following is the code for the Do-while Loop:

The outcome is:

C# Nested loops

The next one on our list is the Nested Loop. It is different as compared to the others. Nested loops are the loops that are stacked inside each other. While loops, Do-while loops, and For loops may all be used to form Nested loops. The following is the format for Nested loops:

The result of the above-mentioned script is:

Foreach Loop

Last but not least is the Foreach Loop. This type is completely different from the ones discussed above. The Foreach loop runs a single or multiple statements for every component in an example of the class Systems.Collection.IEnumerable or Systems.Collection.Generic.IEnumerable<T> interconnection. The following is a script that displays the Foreach Loop:

The result of the above software code is:

We understand that the Loop types are a bit confusing for novice programmers but, you will find these a piece of cake once you become a professional. You must note all the points we discussed above to avoid any errors.

Arrays in C# Programming Language

Now that you know everything about the loops in C#, it is time to move to the next section: Arrays in the C# Programming Language. So, grab your paper and pen to note every detail!

An array is a method of saving data that you may access as far as you remember its location within the arrays. These are zero-indexed. It implies that if you want to return to the placement of a number saved, you begin at zero and work your way till the end. There are many arrays in the C# programming language.

Some of them are listed below:

  • 1D Arrays
  • 2D Arrays
  • Param Arrays

Let us discuss these as follows:

1D Arrays in C#

The first type of array on our list is the One Dimensional or 1-D Arrays. They are composed of a unified row with several pieces as desired. The code below can be used to define these arrays:

Let us explain the terms:

  • data_type: The data kind
  • name_of_array: The title assigned to the particular array.

The following is the script for initializing the array:

The same is the case with the above script.

  • data_type: The data kind
  • name_of_array: The title assigned to the particular array.
  • new: Term that produces an example of the Array.
  • array_size: The length of the Array.

Assigning numbers in an array can be done in a variety of ways. The following are a few of them:

Now that you know the terms used in the array codes, let us have a look at the program defining 1-D arrays below:

The outcome is:

2D Arrays in C#

The next one is the Two-dimensional arrays. 2-D arrays comprise columns as well as rows. Every component is named as arr[i,j], in which j is the sequel of column and I is of row indexes. Arr is the title of the 2-D array.

This syntax is used to define 2-D arrays:

The terms are defined below:

    • data_type: The data kind of array components
    • name_of_array: The title assigned to the particular array
    • new: Term that produces an example of the array.
  • column_size: Total columns
  • row_size: Total rows

Let us have a look at the code script that explains the 2-D arrays in the C#:

The result of the software is mentioned below:

Param Arrays in C#

Param arrays are utilized when the quantity of parameters is not specified in a code. As a result, the client can provide as many parameters as they like. The following is a script that shows Param arrays:

The following is the conclusion:

Moving Arrays To Programs

Now that you know about the types of arrays used in the C# programming language, it is time to dig more. Get Ready!

Arrays may be transferred as constants to operations. Consider the following:

The array (arr) is given to the operator func() in the above case. The following is a script that shows how to send arrays to operations:

The result is as follows:

Array Functions

You have learned how to send arrays to programs in the previous section. So, we have added a section of a few examples of array operational processes:

Interactive Formation of Arrays In C#

The input code script is:

The output is:

Convergence Of Two Arrays Within C#

The Intersect() function in C# can be used to intermingle two arrays. The input code is as follows:

The result is:

Hybrid Arrays Within C#

The third example is the hybrid arrays. In the C# programming, hybrid arrays are a perfect fusion of multiple dimensions and irregular arrays. These are presently deprecated, as the .NET 4.0 upgrade eliminated them. The following is a script that displays mixed arrays:

The result is as follows:

We understand that you might be a little scared when you first look at the codes. But, everything becomes a piece of cake once you take control of it. We also added some examples of array functions. You can get a better understanding of arrays usage in the C# programming.

Arrays And Loops: What Is The Relation?

Loops and Arrays work together. The reason is that the Loops are required to represent or save the data within a particular array. You might construct a term for every value you wish to save, or you might create your script more effectively by using a single variable to hold multiple values. It is why we discussed loops and arrays together in a single article so you know the relation between them.


In this article, we have explained Loops and Arrays used in the C# programming language. We discussed the types as well as some examples of them. Most programmers do not bother to look into these two in detail. But, we want our readers to be the best developers out there.

We believe that you have no confusion regarding the topic, and now you can start programming in the C# productively. Just keep the points in your mind, and we are sure you will do great. Best of Luck!

A Project Manager's Guide to Resource Planning

Project managers have the demanding task of effectively managing human and non-human resources for the success of ongoing projects. In resource planning, project managers strategize on how to utilize the resources available to teams for the achievement of project goals and objectives. Members within managed teams are assigned tasks based on their skills and capacity to deliver the required results in each project milestone. The lack of effective resource planning can result in wastage of available resources and eventually lead to failure of the entire project.

What is resource planning?

Resource planning involves the management of available resources in a project with the aim of achieving project efficiency. Successful projects depend on the use of selected tools for the implementation of effective resource planning strategies in the project. For example, project managers can determine whether the project remains within the budget in resource planning at a small or enterprise project management scale. The Sirvez resource planner is one of the valuable tools that project managers can use to strategize and manage the activities associated with resource planning in their projects. Sirvez makes it easy to manage resources according to tasks and subtasks within the project.

Start resource planning with the Sirvez

As project managers use manual processes and tools such as spreadsheets to carry out resource planning tasks, errors will likely emerge from the process. The result is additional time and resource wastage across the different stages of a project. The elimination of errors and an accurate view of your team's capacity to plan resources and schedule tasks are some of the benefits of using resource planning software such as Sirvez.

Figure: Tools used for resource planning within Sirvez

Automated processes using resource planning software enable the project manager to view how human resources are distributed within different areas and stages of a project. For example, a project manager can design a visual project schedule using Gantt charts to show the duration of tasks. Project managers can make adjustments through resource allocation across the project in a timely and accurate way.

Structured Estimating

In the estimation of essential components of a project, project managers use different techniques in the process. The structured estimating technique is one of the useful techniques that help project teams come up with an accurate estimation of resource needs in entire projects. Project teams involved in Agile projects can use the structured estimation technique at the beginning of the project and each sprint marked in the project. Structured estimation as conducted in enterprise project management on aspects such as time and cost at each sprint ensures accuracy at different levels of the project. Hence, project teams can develop accurate figures that are difficult to get using techniques such as back-of-the-envelope calculations.

The business value of ERP

The use of enterprise resource planning offers project managers the support they need to improve efficiency in their projects. Enterprise resource planning allows the integration of different business and project processes to create consistency in infrastructure and business operations. The benefits of using enterprise resource planning include reporting and accessing data from various business processes on a single platform. Some of the additional ways that enterprise resource planning improves business value include:

  • The elimination of redundancies in the allocation of resources to managed teams in the business or ongoing project
  • Improving the level of accuracy in resource planning, and
  • Improving the productivity of human resources as they are distributed according to their skills and capabilities.

Project managers can use enterprise resource planning to achieve their projects' specific resource planning goals and objectives.

Resource planning for teams

Resource planning for teams takes into account the resource needs of all teams involved in tasks and subtasks of a project. At the start of a project, the tasks are allocated according to the human and non-human resources available for the project. Hence, project teams receive an allocation of resources that will enable them to achieve optimal project outcomes. The resource planning process follows specific steps. The steps in the process include:

  1. Planning- to determine the nature of resources needed for the attainment of project goals
  2. Inventory available resources – meetings for all teams can help to eliminate conflict that might arise from shared resources
  3. Forecasting the demand for resources – shared information on each team's resource needs can help estimate future resource needs.
  4. Estimation of gaps – Gaps might arise when the forecasting shows that the potential demand for resources might exceed the availability of such resources
  5. Formulation of an Action Plan – the action plan will help strategize acquiring the needed resources.
  6. Implementation of the resource plan in line with the project goals and objectives
  7. Monitoring and feedback – enables continuous updates to the resource plan

Using a resource planning tool can help keep track of all variable inputs for each sprint and the entire project.

Plan to project

As a roadmap that helps project managers map the tasks and subtasks of a successful project, the project planning phase ensures that all the project steps are highlighted at the start of the project. Activities such as determining project requirements, costing, scheduling and listing deliverables, resource planning, and approval for progress to the next phase are part of the project planning phase and contribute to success. In addition, the project tasks outlined from the start enable the project teams to complete all tasks on time.

Hold a resource management meeting

Deciding on how to allocate resources to your project teams effectively might be a challenge. In this case, using Sirvez's resource planning capabilities, you can skip the risk and uncertainty of using manual processes and tools for resource planning activities. Through Sirvez's automated processes, you can increase the level of efficiency in the resource planning process. Whether you aim to manage resources at the start of the project or each sprint in the project, you can rely on Sirvez's capabilities to achieve your project's goals and objectives.

Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir