3 Reasons To Switch To Cloud Storages

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, we are gonna have a look at 3 Reasons To Switch To Cloud Storages. Even though Cloud storages are getting increasingly popular, there are still some dark clouds of misconceptions of stereotypes that shadow the reputation of the entire industry. A lot of users still believe that cloud storages are not safe, that it’s risky to trust sensitive personal and business information to a third-party server. Others, on the other hand, claim that Cloud storages are much more secure than local drives. The truth, as in most cases, lies in the middle. It would be wrong to say that all Cloud storages are safe - it is indeed possible to encounter fraud a couple of times. However, it would perhaps be even a bigger mistake to assume that just because there were some scams in the past, all Cloud industry must be a threat. In fact, now the levels of encryption of cloud storages are significantly higher than those of local drives. That, actually, is easy to explain Cloud drives are usually created by big companies and corporations, with professional security departments. Thousands of people work on one task, and one task only - to create a safe place for your file.s In your business, however, you hardly have at least one specialist whose job role would be fully dedicated to security. Even if you want your safety to much the level of Cloud, you would have no resources to implement the same methods. Of course, this only scratches the top of the iceberg. We took a closer look at the matter and formulated three main reasons to switch to Cloud.

Reason #1 - Much lower costs

When you use Cloud, there is no more need for hardware storage. Cloud storages don’t require any additional efforts from your part when it comes to maintenance. When you entrust your data to be stored on the third-party service, you also leave all the support activities up to them. This saves a lot of time and money - as opposed to physical storages. Also, hardware storages take up a lot of office space so even if the cost of the hardware itself is relatively low, you’ll be paying for the consequences a lot more and for a while. On top of that, Cloud storages follow on-demand model - you pay only when you need to use storage - no futile waste of storage space and company resources Finally, the last bonus. Many cloud storages have comfortable free versions or extended trial periods. You can download Dropbox or register on Microsoft’s cloud service with no fee and have access to all essential possibilities. Many platforms offer small-size storages for free along with basic management features For small businesses and startups, this should be completely enough. Also, it’s a great possibility to test the storage before paying for it. You are not buying a cat in a sack.

Reason #2  - Flexibility for scaling businesses

Cloud storages provide access to your files anytime and anywhere, and from any device. You are not tied to the office space or work computer. All information is connected to your personal account or to the account of your team. All you need is to know login and password. Cloud platforms are usually supported by all popular OSs - Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android along with web applications, compatible with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and others. The functionality in mobile, desktop, and web version is usually quite similar (although apps may be somewhat simplified) - so there is no difficulty in switching from one to another. As your business grows, you start saving more data and taking more responsibility for your clients, employees, partners. Keeping track of all information is a crucial step to successful calling. Unlike local storages, Cloud allows you to automate file management activities - you can share data with other users, edit their access permissions, synchronize files between various devices, delete old files, and create passwords for the most sensitive information. All these features are available by default, no add-ons required.

Reason #3 - Cloud protects from hardware failures

This is surely the most compelling argument in Cloud’s favor. Even if you can secure your local drive by password protection and custom encryption tools, even if you manage to cut costs somehow, there is still no protection for hardware failure. It doesn’t matter how often you perform diagnosis or how responsibly your company traits maintenance. These activities can prolong the age of your hardware but you are never quite out of the woods. Computers and physical memory storages break for thousands of reasons and you can never prevent them all. Cloud platforms make sure that your data is not down even if your hardware is. The main purpose of third-party storing services is to provide users with secure backup copies in case something goes wrong. Even if you don’t want to switch your business to Cloud completely, you have to consider using it at least for protection. After the access to hardware was restored, you can copy all backup files from Cloud to a physical device with a single click. Also, if your device was compromised, you can activate an emergent deletion on physical storage, knowing that you have backup copies stored elsewhere.


Now that you know why every business owner has to consider using CLoud, if not as the main storage, at last for protection purposes. It’s about time we provide you with a quick checklist with tips on smart Cloud implementation.
  • Start by choosing a free tool - this way, you can practice Cloud management and educate your team. It’s also a possibility to est the concept and understands whether cloud storages work for you.
  • Later, you can switch to lesser-known storages if you want to, however, for beginners, it’s advisable to start with popular tools, developed by well-known companies. Such examples are Dropbox, Microsoft Storage, Google Storage, Google Drive, and others.
  • Don’t go for an elaborate solution right away. For instance, Google has two main Cloud option. The more popular one is Google Drive, often used by small teams and in personal purposes. The more complex one is Google Cloud, created for software developers and digital businesses with more narrow functionality and complicated interface. If you are just familiarizing yourself with the concept of Cloud, start with the simpler one, and scale later.
  • Don’t neglect physical storage protection. Even if you moved all important data to Cloud, be sure to keep your physical devices safe. After all, by accessing your computers, a hacker can also get access to your Cloud.
  • Apply additional security layers for sensitive data. Even though encryption works for the entire Cloud storage, don’t rely on built-in measures when it comes to financial or legal data. Add password protection and a new encryption level - this feature is provided by the majority of Cloud platforms even in free functionality packages.
Cloud platforms are must-have for modern companies. Sooner than later, you will find yourself in the need of remote storage - which is why it’s best to not delay this decision. Take preventative measures to protect your business data and start adapting your company to Cloud storages as soon as possible.
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir