The Most Trending Social Media Writing Tools for 2019

Hello friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today's tutorial, I am going to share a new post on The Most Trending Social Media Writing Tools for 2019. Writing has always been an art, more than a skill. However, with unrealistic demands, tight deadlines and other obstacles, every writer needs to rely on automation. Many writers and students think of automation as something hi-tech and as reserved for the most complex tasks. Instead, automation can include anything that alleviates the existing workload. For instance, social media has been used by schools to increase student participation through timely content provision and updates. With automation gaining popularity each day, it’s easy to find a tool that can help you. This abundance of content writing tools also makes a choice itself much harder, as it is hard to know which tools are good. To help you traverse dilemmas in your choice process and improve writing, we’ve selected the 10 most trending social media writing tools for 2019. Use them wisely and you will improve your social media marketing.

1. Writefull

Writefull is an innovative app that gives your text feedback according to both an AI program and a large database of existing language. The features include the analysis option, where you can see how your selected text is used in real-life and how can you best utilize it. You can also hear how it’s pronounced and even translate some more complex sentences into English. What makes Writefull even more interesting is that it learns as you write. The more you use, the more useful it becomes. A smart writing tool is something every social media marketer needs for better audience engagement.

2. Buffer Publish

You want scheduled posts that are synchronized on all of your pages for maximum audience engagement. With Buffer Publish, you get a chance to manage all your social media accounts effectively. The synchronization process is rather simple and gives you room for custom posting, targeted posts and much more. Buffer Publish is special because it allows you to create custom patterns and later track the performance of your content over a select period of time. It’s one of the best social media management tools and one that every marketer needs if they want to succeed.

3. Canva

To create truly engaging content, you have to integrate multiple types of engaging points into one single social media post. With Canva, you get the opportunity to create professional designs an layouts from anywhere and post them later on, either automatically or with scheduling options. You can design your own layout or pick from a myriad of custom-made templates. This tool is excellent when you need to find the right visuals for your content right before posting.

4. AtomicWriter

In AtomicWriter, you’re getting one of the most intelligent tools for social media writing. A total of more than 25 different features and measures lets you analyze your content never before. It gives you an indication about whether you’re using too many superlatives, adverbs and pronouns. While analyzing the title of your content, you will get valuable and proven SEO tips. Moreover, you get input on the emotional level, sentence complexity and readership identification of your content, which is something no other tool offers.

5. Portent’s Content Idea Generator

Just type in the topic that you want to write about and you will instantly get ideas for keywords and how they should be placed. If you want your posts to be shared, you need to put the right keywords in the right place. This is both a tool for inspiration and analytics. Our two favorite features include drawing inspiration from existing posts, but you can also use it “reversely.” By typing in a keyword or topic you’re ranking for, you can see whether your posts are amongst the most shared and most popular. In our opinion, this is one of the most versatile keyword finding tools. Once you have all the basics covered, look at this excellent writing service - to outsource content and have a stable post schedule. Use outsourcing if you’ve started a page recently to have a strong foundation to expand during later periods.

6. Healthinomics

To improve your social media marketing, you need to do more than just write. With Healthinomics, you can outsource all the social media images you need for all your campaigns. Healthinomics boasts an easy user interface with the origin of every photo listed. Moreover, you can choose from many categories in the health and wellness niche, all in order to get the best possible image to correspond with your text. The pricing options are flexible, in addition to the free downloads you get as a welcome present. If you want your content to be engaging, choose Healthinomics.

7. StackEdit

If you’re looking for more than just the basic content form, you need a good in-browser editor. StackEdit comes filled with features that can help any blogger that needs to customize his or her text. Perhaps the most astonishing feature is the Markdown syntax highlighting, which immediately shows you the final version of your text. With WYSIWYG controls and Scroll Sync, you can complete your assignments faster. And maybe the most important addition is the automatic sharing to synchronized Dropbox or Google Drive accounts. It’s great that you don’t have to worry about losing your work.

8. 750 Words

750 Words gives you the opportunity to experience one of the best writing tools currently available. Not only does this software allow you to edit and add to your writing, but it brings a bulk of features related to statistics and how efficient you are as a writer. The features include the time needed to reach 750 words (or any other number you select), with the total time and typing time also shown. Additionally, the app is extremely sensitive and can track the number of breaks you’re taking and your best hours. Stay organized and efficient without too many problems.

9. Ilys

With Ilys, you can organize your writing better than before. Track your sessions, how many words you’ve written and how much you need for different topics. The key to staying a competitive and effective writer is maximizing things that don’t work. Ilys is very effective for writers that don’t know how to manage their time. There is also an editing tool included, which lets you take care of any last-minute changes before posting. Be sure that your content is without mistakes and that you’ve maximized any writing time that you have on your hands.

10. Calmly Writer

Calmly Writer is one of the best social media writing tools. Its features include a clean interface with a lot of customization options. It’s very easy to use and doesn’t include an abundance of unnecessary features like most writing tools. The opendyslexic mode is incredible and gives any writer the opportunity to work without restrictions. With smart punctuation options and a free grammar checker, you will find it incredibly easy to create the content needed to succeed.

Concluding thoughts

Automation doesn’t only save you time, but it also allows you maximally analyze each of your posts and prepare it for peak performance. Use these tools to effectively analyze your audience and past posts to know which methods work and which don’t. If you manage to discover the ideal formula, you can both stick to it and make any changes as you see new emerging trends. Believe in your skills and don’t be afraid to outsource content if you don’t have time. Not only will you have better campaigns planned, but you can also use these tools as blueprints to study from. It’s a luxury that you can earn yourself. Be confident in your goals and remember to plan effectively. The social media world is yours!
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=>My Google Profile+</a>

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Syed Zain Nasir