Pi performance

I wanted to run a media server basically to stream video from internet and from hard drive like Kodi

Also I need to use it as a torrent machine, with Utorrent or deluge (recommend a better one)

And use it to store and access files remotely may be via FTP server or by my own cloud. (Can u please tell me the difference between the both, and which one you prefer)

Also vnc to use it in headless mode may be with real vnc or other (Recommend)

If possible, to run my own VPN server for private use.

May I run all in one pi. Will it work fine???? How will the performance be than?

Or do I need to get different pi for each job or a cluster to increase house power????

My initial suggestionsfor the OS was thanks to you guys, rasbian, dietpi, openle. Suggest me how am I with that.

Laser Keyboard?

I have a Raspberry Pi B+ on order and hopefully will receive it this next week!

I was researching to see if anyone has tried using a laser projection keyboard with a RPi, but couldn't find anything.

Where to I go from here?

I am quite inexperienced with the raspberry pi 3B, and I need help on what I should do next.
I have already set it up, everything is working fine with heatsinks installed. I have the raspbian OS installed with the latest version. I have all the bases covered in getting started. I am just confused on where I should refer to next. I have an avid love for programming as I have bought the book written by Simon Monk on Getting Started with Python, but I don't know if that is enough.
Which programming language is easiest to learn?
What stuff can I make with it? (Especially creating applications.. :D )
Just reaching out. Thanks.

Using Pi to create Cloud Storage?

So i have a spare PI Zero (also a Pi2 under utilised with Kodi) a spare NAS drive and portable hard drive lying around at home.

My personal Icloud storage is full, in theory is it possible to create my own cloud storage running something like OwnCloud?

I.e I'm going on holiday end of the month. Could I set up this take photos on my iphone and sync them to my cloud when i have Wifi in hotel?

digital signage solution for sensor-data and pics/videos?

since I have no idea if this all makes sense, I gonna explain what I need:

I'm looking for a way to display I2C-sensor-data from one Pi, let's name it Host-Pi, on a LCD-screen connected Pi, let's name it Client-Pi. Host-Pi should collect sensor-data from I2C-sensors every 1-5mins and store that in a CSV-file for later use, Client-Pi should ask Host-Pi every 5mins for uptodate values and display that on a self-designed page (not just plain terminal...). Client-Pi
also should be able to play videos and photos like a slideshow, cycling that with sensor-data in between or showing the sensor-data in a scrolling-text at the bottom. And since it should be usable by average people a not too complicated webinterface would be nice.

Any idea what fits those needs? I already tried Dashkiosk, though despite it sounded nice to use Chromecast's it turned out to be a prob: no external antenna makes it somewhat unusable for this task. Not to mention I got a bunch of errors while installing it on the pi that I couldn't find a solution for. Info-beamer was another brilliant software I looked into, the drawback was, that it all belongs on programming the stuff yourself, it's very customizable though I'm not a programmer, nor have I the skill to prog a webinterface for it, so sadly I have to look for another one.

Any recommendations? Thanks!

Using RaspberyPi as Time Machine for Mac

I am trying to use my RPi as a Time Machine for my mac. I have RPi running with attached pidrive (formatted to EXT4). I want to use Netatalk that imitates Time Machine but some guides say it will work with EXT4 partition (just allocate a folder for mac's backup) and others say the drive / partition should be formatted to HFS+. I don't want to format my drive to HFS+ just for that and I am wondering if someone could shed some light on it please :)

Synchronize raspicam video and arecord for rtmp streaming

Hello, I'm trying to synchronize video and audio from my raspicam and arecord and make rtmp stream with ffmpeg and 3g modem, but don't know how to do that. I have tried with this code: [code]raspivid -t 0 -w 1024 -h 768 -fps 25 -vf -hf -b 1000000 -v -o temp.v & arecord -f cd -D plughw:0 | ffmpeg -i temp.v -itsoffset 13.5 -i - -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 64k -vsync 0 -f flv rtmp://ipofmynginxserver/myapp/mystream[/code] and [code]raspivid -t 0 -w 1024 -h 768 -fps 25 -g 60 -vf -hf -b 1000000 -v -o temp.v & arecord -f cd -D plughw:0 | ffmpeg -r 25.37 -i temp.v -itsoffset 13.5 -i - -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 64k -vsync 0 -async 1 -f flv rtmp://ipofmynginxserver/myapp/mystream[/code] At first everything is fine (because of the offset) But after connection lost for 2-4 seconds audio and video starting to play asynchronus (audio first)
I have tried to change options vsync and async but it didn't make sense. If I'm trying to get alsa microphone with ffmpeg I'm getting alsa buffer xrun and it doesn't work, the only way for me is to use raspivid and arecord, how can I solve my problem? Thanks and sorry for my English.

what does this mean- IDLE's sub process didn't make connecti

I get the following message when I try to start Python 3 = "IDLE's sub process didn't make connection. Either IDLE cant start a sub process or personal firewall software is blocking the connection". What do I do please?

Modbus Connection

So I am storing data in a text file on my raspberry pi (B). The data is just a series of numbers from an analog read from a teensy. I want to have a Modbus connection with another raspberry pi (A) and have it call for the most recent analog data recorded. Any ideas on how I can do this or any points to in the right direction. I'm pretty new to Modbus so I don't know much. I am reading up on it but I don't know how to incorporate what I've learned into python.

Raspi3/Jessie/Pixel:autostart problem

Object: run a .sh file at startup to start a python program using PyQt.
Method: Edit ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
Add line @~/TWB3/RunTWB.sh
Problem: err,um, doesn't work.
I've tried: commenting out the xscreensaver line with a #
Putting the line at different points in the file.

Typing ~/TWB3/RunTWB.sh at the command line works.

OS: Jessie with Pixel on a Pi3.
This is all the more irritating because (with another forum member's
help) I managed to autorun a similar program under Wheezy on an earlier
model of Pi.
Suggestions welcomed!
Syed Zain Nasir

I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

Published by
Syed Zain Nasir