What is the difference between BIM and CAD Software for Architects?

Are you a new architect or aspiring to become an architect? If the answer is "yes," you will need to have the best programs to make a mark in this industry. Well, the two most important categories of software in architecture are building information modeling (BIM) and computer-aided design (CAD). Which one should you use? Keep treading as we dig deeper into each category and highlight key examples for you to consider.

What is CAD?

CAD, shortening for computer-aided design, is the use of computers to help create, modify, and optimize building design. CAD programs are developed to help people design and document their models using advanced computer technology. CAD files are particularly useful where multiple parts are required to fit precisely in a larger assembly.

Architects using CAD can effectively create both 3D models and 2D drawings for the parts of their products. The fast development of 3D CAD programs has rapidly transformed the building design and manufacturing industries because architects can create more complex products faster than before.

CAD Advantages 

The main advantages of using CAD include:

  • It makes it pretty easy for starters to get into the world of 2D and 3D.
  • You are able to create extremely complex models that were otherwise not possible with standard programs.
  • Spotting errors and correcting them in building design is easy and fast. You do not need to go to scratch to correct such errors.
  • Most CAD programs automatically create documentation for architects. This is very useful, especially when working on complex projects.

The main challenge of using CAD programs is that they simplify the work of architects so much. Although this is a good thing because you can complete projects faster, there is a risk of making some people complacent because everything has been done. See: you only need to fetch different parts from the library.

Good examples of CAD programs include AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, SketchUp, and AutoCAD Civil 3D. Most architects usually start with CAD programs before moving on to BIM.

What is BIM?

BIM is a new system where architects, engineers, and contractors collaborate by using the same database when creating new designs. This means that the entire team can easily visualize the whole building project way ahead of breaking the ground. It is considered a sort of natural evolution of CAD. So, how exactly does BIM work?

BIM provides the digital presentation of the actual facility that an architect is working on. It allows you to bring all the designs that you have, including different CAD models, so that you can work on them further or make rapid changes. When applied well, BIM can help the entire project team to visualize all parts easily, review them, and identify errors way before the task commences.

BIM Advantages

BIM has become so important in architecture, and it is now considered one of the most advanced technologies. Here are the main advantages:

  • BIM is better at making more complete presentations of architectural designs.
  • It pools all your docs into one database so that the entire team can easily access the latest changes.
  • BIM allows you to provide a lot more to your building design clients compared to what you would do with CAD.
  • Resource tracking with BIM is pretty easy.

The main challenge about BIM is that it is a relatively new method, and a lot of architects are yet to adopt it. This means that you might find working with some architects challenging because they are not used to BIM.

Common BIM building design software you might want to consider are Autodesk BIM 360, Revit, and Autodesk Civil 3D.

The building design and architectural niches are evolving fast, and you should not be left behind in using them. The good thing is that these advanced applications are making it a lot easier to create better models faster and note errors early. Since most architects are still in CAD programs, it is important to ensure you are also good in it even as you build skills in BIM. Remember that whether you prefer CAD or BIM, you will only be able to create top-rated designs by working with the best programs.

Introduction to MATLAB

Hello Friends! I hope you all are doing great welcoming 2022. With the start of the New Year, we would like to bring to you a new tutorial series. This tutorial series is on a programming language, plotting software, a data processing tool, a simulation software, a very advanced calculator and much more, all wrapped into one package called MATLAB.

We would welcome all the scientists, engineers, hobbyists and students to this tutorial series. MATLAB is a great tool used by scientists and engineers for scientific computing and numerical simulations all over the world. It is also an academic software used by PhDs, Masters students and even advanced researchers.

MATLAB (or "MATrix LABoratory") is a programming language and numerical computing environment built by Mathworks and it’s first version was released in 1984. To this day, we keep getting yearly updates. MATLAB allows matrix data manipulations, plotting of symbolic functions as well as data, implementation of robust algorithms in very short development time, creation of graphical user interfaces for software development, and interfacing with programs written in almost any other language.

If you’re associated with a university, your university could provide you with a license.

You can even online now! You can simply access it on…

You can quickly access MATLAB at https://matlab.mathworks.com/ Here’s a small trick. You can sign up with any email and select the one month free trial to get quickly started with MATLAB online.

And in case you can’t have a license, there’s also Octave, which is a different programming language but very similar in all the fundamental aspects to MATLAB. Especially for the purposes of these tutorials, Octave will help you get started quickly and you can access it on: https://octave-online.net/#

Typical uses of MATLAB include:

  1. Math and numerical computation from the MATLAB prompt
  2. Developing algorithms and scripts using the MATLAB editor
  3. Modeling and simulation using Simulink, and toolboxes
  4. Data Visualisation and generating graphics
  5. Application development, with interactive Graphical User Interface
  6. Symbolic manipulation using MuPad

MATLAB is an interpreted high-level language. This means any command input into the MATLAB interpreter is compiled line by line, and output is given. This is useful for using MATLAB as a calculator as we will see in the next section.

Using MATLAB as an Advanced Calculator/ Beginner Commands

By default, the MATLAB Prompt will be visible to you. The two angled brackets ‘>>’ refer to the MATLAB Command Prompt. Think of this as the most basic calculator. In fact, whenever you look at this, think of it as a Djinn asking for an input from you.

Anything that you give it and press enter is known as a command. Whatever it outputs is known as the response. Whatever question you ask Matlab, it will be willing to respond quickly.

For example, in the figure below, I simply write the command ‘2+2’ and press enter, to get the answer ‘4’ as a response.

You can even define variables like you do in your algebraic geometry class.

Notice that the semicolon ‘;’ that we see there is simply an indicator of when a statement ends like many other programming languages. Although this is not a necessary input in MATLAB, unlike many other languages which will simply give you an error if you forget this semicolon. Another function this serves is to suppress the output.

In MATLAB, you don’t need to ask for the answer or the result to be printed and it will continue to print by itself as part of the response. However, if you don’t want to see the output, you can suppress it.

You can also look at the value stored in a variable by simply writing the variable name and pressing ‘enter’.

We can even create a matrix of numbers as shown in the image below. This can be a 1D matrix, or a 2D matrix. Notice the use of square brackets, commas and semicolons in order to create the matrix of numbers.

You can even create matrices of numbers which are 3D numbers or even higher dimensions. When we will learn about images, we’ll see how an image is just a collection of numbers, and simple manipulation of those matrices will help us in manipulation of images.

Saving Programs in MATLAB

You can write and save your own commands in the form of an ‘m-file’, which goes by the extension ‘.m’. You can write programs in the ‘Editor window’ inside the MATLAB which can be accessed by selecting the ‘New Script’ button in the top panel. This window allows you to write, edit, create, save and access files from the current directory of MATLAB. You can, however, use any text editor to carry out these tasks. On most systems, MATLAB provides its own built-in editor. From within MATLAB, terminal commands can be typed at the MATLAB prompt following the exclamation character (!). The exclamation character prompts MATLAB to return the control temporarily to the local operating system, which executes the command following the character. After the editing is completed, the control is returned to MATLAB. For example, on UNIX systems, typing the following commands at the MATLAB prompt (and hitting the return key at the end) invokes the vi editor on the

Emacs editor.

!vi myprogram.m % or

!emacs myprogram.m

Note that the ‘%’ symbol is used for commenting in MATLAB. Any command that is preceded by this simple will be ignored by the interpreter and not be executed.

In the figure above, we have saved our very first program titled ‘Program1.m’ using the editor window in MATLAB.

Since MATLAB is for scientists and engineers primarily, it directly understands a lot of mathematical numbers natively, such as pi, e, j (imaginary number) etc.

You can quickly go to the MATLAB or the Octave terminal to test this out. Just type pi, or e and press enter to see what you get.

Introduction to Simulink

MATLAB is also a great simulation software. For more sophisticated applications, MATLAB also offers SIMULINK which is an inbuilt simulation software and provides a block diagram environment for multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design. Simulink provides a graphical editor, customizable block libraries, and solvers for modelling and simulating dynamic systems.

A very simple example of the Simulink block diagram model can be understood by the following model which simply adds or subtracts two or more numbers.

The block diagram looks as follows:

The model example for this can be opened using the following command.


You can start playing with this model at once, on your MATLAB Desktop. And in fact you will find many more such examples of modelling and simulation programs that you can already start playing with online, in the set of MATLAB examples and also on the forum.

The MATLAB Community and Forum

MATLAB provides a whole community known as MATLAB-Central where MATLAB enthusiasts can ask questions and a lot of enthusiasts are willing to answer these forum questions.

There is also also, ‘file-exchange’ which is part of MATLAB-Central where people post their programs, functions and simulations for anyone to use for free.

MATLAB provides on-line help for all of its built­ in functions and programming language constructs. The commands lookfor, help, helpwin, and helpdesk provide on-line help directly from the MATLAB prompt.

Introduction to MATLAB Toolboxes

There are also several optional "toolboxes" available from the developers of MATLAB. These toolboxes are collections of functions written for special appli­cations such as symbolic computation, image processing, statistics, control system design, and neural networks. The list of toolboxes keeps growing with time. There are now more than 50 such toolboxes. The real benefit of using MATLAB is that there are teams of engineers and scientists from different fields working on each of these toolboxes and these will help you quickly get started into any field, after understanding the basics of the language. A lot of functions that are frequently performed in any particular research field, will be at the tips of your fingers in the form of ready-to-use functions. This will help you gain essential intuitions about all the different fields you may be interested in learning, getting started on, and quickly becoming a pro in. That’s the unique power MATLAB users wield.

Over the coming tutorials, we will look at the wonders that can be performed with MATLAB.

MATLAB can also interface with devices, whether they are GPIB, RS232, USB, or over a Wi-Fi, including your personal devices. It can help you manipulate images, sound and what not! You can also do 3d manipulation of animated models in MATLAB, and that’s very easy to do. We will go over this as well. We will also look one level below these 3d models and see how these themselves are also just numbers and coordinates in the end.

I absolutely enjoy MATLAB, and there’s a simple reason I’m presenting this tutorial series to you. Because I believe you should enjoy it too!

This will not only let you see ‘The Matrix’, which is the way computers perceive the real world around us, it will also change the way you yourself look at the world around you, and maybe you eventually start asking the holy question yourself… “Are we all living in a simulation?”


Exercise: While you can get started on your own with the forum, and functions and simulations freely available, in order to procedurally be able to follow our tutorial and be able to build everything on your own from the scratch, we will strongly recommend you to follow our exercise modules.

In today’s module, we will ask you to perform very basic arithmetic tasks that will give you an intuitive feel of how to use the MATLAB prompt as an advanced calculator and make the best use of it.

For this we recommend finishing the following tasks:

  1. Use the following arithmetic operations to carry out complex calculations between any two numbers. The arithmetic operations are: Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and power(^).
  2. Also try to use basic math functions that are built-in for MATLAB such as, exp, log, sin, cos, tan, etc. Here are a few examples of commans you can run

sin(pi/2) exp(4)


  1. Also, define a few variables. Not only number variables, but also matrix variables as shown in the example below.

a=1; b= 2; c = 3; A= [1,2,3,4]; B= [5,6,7,8];

Notice that the case-sensitivity does matter for the name of the variables.

Pro Tip: You can also perform the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and power, element-wise between any two matrices. While addition and subtraction work element-wise by default, you can perform element-wise multiplication, division, and power by using the arithmetic operations as ‘.*’, ‘./’ and ‘.^’

In the next tutorial, we will deep dive on the data types of MATLAB, keywords, what functions mean, and also write our very first function in MATLAB. If you are familiar with loops, that may come easy, because we will also write our very first loop that will help us perform repeated tasks with a relatively small number of commands.

Introduction to Surface Mount Technology

Greetings and welcome to today’s lecture. Today, we are going to focus our discussion on the Surface Mount Technology of PCB components mounting. It's our 8th tutorial in the PCB learning series and is going to be a very interesting and interactive class. In Surface-mount technology, SMT components(having small pads) are placed on the surface of the PCB board and their pads are soldered on the same side of the board.

As we discussed in our last lecture on Though-Hole Technology, there are two main methods used to mount components on PCB boards. We studied THT in the last lecture and today, we will focus on  Surface Mount Technology (SMT), we will discuss SMT classifications, types, applications, advantages and disadvantages in detail.

In the beginning, a breadboard was used to hold the components together. This had a major disadvantage because components could pull out as they remain loose in the breadboard, hence giving a hard time to designers, especially in the case of complex circuits. The engineers came out with a solution called the PCB board. Initially, Though-hole technology was used to plug components into the PCB board. Later on, with the invention of SMT components, surface-mount technology came into existence. So, let's have a look at SMT in detail:

Introduction to Surface Mount Technology

  • Surface-mount technology(SMT), initially called planar mounting, is used to mount components on the surface of the PCB board.
  • In Surface-mount technology, SMT components are used, which are quite small in size and have small pads, instead of leads/pins.
  • In SMT, components are placed on the PCB board at their required positions and their pads are soldered with the copper markings on the board.
  • Unlike THT, the component pins in SMT don't cross the PCB layer, they are soldered on the same side of the board.
  • SMT is the most popular method that is being employed in today’s PCB manufacturing process because it can be purely automated hence increasing the number of boards produced and also saving on production time. With this method, the cost of the PCBs was reduced drastically, if you are doing mass production.
  • As the name suggests, the components are mounted on the surface. So, there are no holes for the components mounting as in the THT method.
  • Initially, the process was done manually but today it is done by the use of advanced machinery, thanks to the technological revolution.
  • SMT discovery came in the 1980s when companies were struggling with the high demand for printed circuit boards. Fab houses had started shifting to mass production of the boards and therefore they had to introduce new methods of PCB assembly and mounting to speed up the process.

How to place an SMT PCB order?

There are many online PCB companies available, where we can place orders for PCB with surface mount technology. Let's take the example of JLCPCB Fabrication House, one of the leading PCB manufacturers, which offers top-quality products.
  • First of all, open this JLCPCB SMT Assembly Page.
  • Here you can see, it's quite easy to place the SMT order.
  • First, you need to Upload the PCB Gerber Files, as shown in the below figure:

  • JLCPCB has a remarkable online PCB order tracking system, which keeps you aware of the current situation of your PCB order, shown in the below figure:

  • Once your SMT PCB order gets completed, you will receive it at your doorstep.

SMT Manufacturing Process

  • Using the assembler, solder paste is applied on the parts where the components will be placed. The solder paste placement follows the guidelines from the design.
  • Use the stencil or the solder screen to ensure that the solder has been placed in the exact required positions.
  • Sometimes, stencils and assemblers might not be that accurate and it's the operator's duty to inspect the solder to ensure that it has met the required standards.
  • Depending on the defect, either the assembler corrects the defect or will remove it and reapply afresh.
  • The process of inspection is very important because it will determine the quality of the solder at the end of the process, hence affecting the overall functionality of the board.
  • After inspection, the assembler will place the components accurately following the designs given by the designer. Originally, it was done manually by workers with hand tools. Today, pick-and-place machines have made work quite easy, accurate, and fast.
  • After placement, the components are soldered into pads with the solder gun. Here, the board undergoes a reflow process in which it is passed through the furnace to remelt, liquefy and finally solidify the solder at component joints.
  • Special devices used in the process of SMT are called Surface Mount Devices.

Types of vias

The SMT employs the use of vias in order to connect components with the PCB board. There are three types of vias that are employed throughout the process i.e.

  1. Blind vias.
  2. Through vias.
  3. Buried vias.

Through vias

  • This one connects all the layers of the PCB board by passing through all of them.
  • Mostly Through vias are used for the power pins i.e. ground, Vcc etc.

Blind vias

  • Blind via connects any of the external layers to neighboring two or more layers of the PCB board but won't go through all of them(as that will be Through vias).
  • Blind vias are of several types as listed below:
  1. Controlled depth blind via
  2. Photo defined blind via
  3. Laser drilled
  4. Sequential laminated blind via.

Buried vias

  • Buried via connects any two or more layers of the PCB board but won't touch any of the external layers.
  • As the name suggests, it remains buried inside the external layers of the PCB board.

Machines used in SMT mounting

Here's the list of machines used in the SMT manufacturing process:

PCB Drilling Machine:

  • Even though I said that the SMT components are mounted on the surfaces, so there's no drilling but remember that we discussed vias, which are required to create a connection between layers of the PCB boards.
  • These vias are very tiny holes drilled into the board layers and are done by the drilling machine.

Wave Soldering Machine:

  • This is used for the soldering of components on PCB pads, essential for the mass production of PCB boards.

PCB Brushing Machine:

  • We have discussed the vias drilling, so after the drilling process, we have debris deposited on the PCB boards.
  • This debris is removed by the PCB brushing machine.

Pick-and-Place Machine:

  • Pick-and-Place Machine picks up the components, rotates them in the required direction and places them on the PCB board.

PCB cleaning machine:

  • It does all the necessary cleaning of the board.
  • It also ensures that the board is dry and free from any form of moisture.

Reflow oven:

  • It contains a lot of burners and is used to smooth the soldering process.
  • There are three types of Reflow ovens available:

  1. Vapor Phase Oven.
  2. Infrared Oven.
  3. Convection Oven.

Now, let's have a look at the different types of Surface Mount Methods:

Types of Surface Mount Technology

Type I

    • Only SMD components are found in this type of PCB board.

    Type II

    • Active surface mount devices and DIPs are located on the primary side of the PCB while the surface mount chips are on the secondary side of the board.

    Type III

    • In this type, you will find passive SMCs on the secondary side of the board while the primary side is made of the DIPs only.
    • It contains only discrete mount components and they are all mounted on the bottom side.
    • The discrete components include; transistors, resistors, capacitors etc.

    Applications of the SMT components

    With SMT technology, it has become possible to produce very compact and small-size boards, since machines are used to pick and place the components. Therefore, SMT technology has numerous applications in real-life fields, few are as follows:

    1. Smartphone Evolution: Smartphone boards are quite small in size but complex in design because mobile phones need to be thin and light therefore, this technology has aided a lot in the evolution of the smartphone industry.
    2. Computer and laptop motherboards: It has helped in the production of ultrathin laptops, tablets and computers.
    3. IoT Devices: With SMT technology, IoT has moved to another level since the production of embedded boards become easy and fast.
    4. Involved in the manufacturing of communication and telecommunication equipment i.e. Bluetooth, WiFi, Ethernet devices etc.
    5. Medical devices in aid of health screening.
    6. Finds applications in the transport area i.e. drones, space exploration equipment etc.

    Advantages of the SMT components

    1. They have very low RF interference because they don't have leads.
    2. It takes lower packaging materials and this is due to the advanced manufacturing that is being involved.
    3. If SMT boards are produced in panels(We will cover penalization in upcoming chapters), the process makes it easy to transport in bulk at a reduced cost.
    4. The production cost has been drastically lowered compared to that of the THT product of the equivalent magnitude.
    5. Component failure is very low due to the consistency of the fabrication process involved.
    6. Less expensive process and very economical due to the use of more advanced technologies like PCB Panelization and pick and placing mechanism.

    Disadvantages of the SMT components

    1. It is not the best method to mount high-wattage components because such components dissipate a lot of heat that may end up damaging the PCB board.
    2. This is made up of very tiny components and therefore if there is any damage to the circuit, it is very complex to repair/debug the board as compared to the THT components. This means time-consuming in repairing and also very expensive.
    3. This type of board cannot be used in a place where rough holding is involved.

    So, that was all for today. I hope you have enjoyed today's lecture. In the next lecture, we will have a look at the difference between these two mounting techniques i.e. THT vs SMT. Till then, take care. Have fun !!!

    Syed Zain Nasir

    I am Syed Zain Nasir, the founder of <a href=https://www.TheEngineeringProjects.com/>The Engineering Projects</a> (TEP). I am a programmer since 2009 before that I just search things, make small projects and now I am sharing my knowledge through this platform.I also work as a freelancer and did many projects related to programming and electrical circuitry. <a href=https://plus.google.com/+SyedZainNasir/>My Google Profile+</a>

    Published by
    Syed Zain Nasir