Its quite a quick tutorial, as I don't have much material on it and its also quite simple so no much explanation is required. The complete project is given at the end for download but again as I always mention, try to design it by yourself, so that you get some knowledge out of it.This type of projects are normally designed by engineering students in their first or second semesters and are really a good start in learning electronics. IF you have any questions related to this project then ask in comments and I will try my best to resolve them. So, let's get started with implementation of multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS.
Multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer in Proteus ISIS
- 555 Timer is well known IC used in timing projects and its the most widely used IC before microcontrollers.
- In our previous project we have flashed one and two LEDs using 555 Timer which was quite simple and easy and today we are gonna go a little advance and will flash multiple LEDs using 555 Timer.
- So first of all, open your Proteus software and include the below components into its workspace.

- After adding these components, now we need to design the circuit diagram.
- So, design a circuit diagram of Multiple LED FLasher Project using 555 Timer as shown below:

- If you have a look at the above figure closely and compare it with the previous project of 2 LED Flasher with 555 Timer in Protes ISIS then you can have the idea that its simple an extended version of that project.
- I haven't done anything but simply added LEDs in parallel to those 2 LEDs and give it a beutiful form so that it look attractive.
- These kinds of projects are normally used for decoration where you need to set some pattern for LEDs and make them blink.
- So, now we are done with the designing of our project so let's run the PRoteus Simulation.
- When you run the Proteus Simulation, and if everything's gone fine then these LEDs will start flashing as shown in the below figure:

- The above figure shows the three states of this project.
- State # 1 shows the OFF state of this project while State # 2 and 3 are the ON states, these LEDs will keep on flashing as long as the simulation is running.
- You can download the Proteus simulation of Multiple LED Flasher Project using 555 Timer by clicking on the below button: