Greetings! I sincerely hope everything is going well for you all. In this course, we are going to learn step-by-step how to program in Python. The course covers all you need to know about the Python language, from installation to advanced topics. In addition, we'll talk about Python career jobs and do a few projects to strengthen your skills. According to my research, Python is among the top programming languages in use today. (I mean, no offense). Since I am also a Python programmer, I may sound a little prejudiced, but I can certainly declare that I am a huge fan of the language. This tutorial series is meant for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of python programming, it is also of great help for experienced python programmers looking to brush up on their knowledge. Anyway, let’s start by answering a few questions:
What is Python?

Python is a high-level scripting language for system administration, text processing, and web tasks. Its core language is short and easy to learn, while modules can be added to do a virtually infinite number of functions. It is a genuine object-oriented programming language that runs on a wide range of systems. Python was born out of a desire to build a computer language that was both easy to learn for beginners and powerful enough for advanced users. Python's small, crisp syntax reflects this background, as does the thoroughness with which notions are implemented, without removing the flexibility to program in a more traditional approach. As a result, Python is a fantastic first programming language that provides all of the power and advanced capabilities that users will require in the future. Most experienced programmers claim that Python has restored the fun they normally had during programming, suggesting that van Rossum's inspiration is adequately conveyed in the language itself.
Why Python?

Even those, who aren't computer programmers, have found themselves using it, to perform mundane tasks like raising money because of its relatively low learning curve.
Readability and maintainability
Building a system that is easy to maintain and update requires careful consideration of the quality of the program code. Because of the language's syntactic rules, you may express yourself in Python without writing any more code. With Python, you may use English phrases instead of punctuation, which makes it easier to understand than other computer languages. You don't have to write any more code when using Python to create custom apps. If the code is well-structured, it will make it easier to keep and improve the product.
Code written in this programming language may be executed on a variety of systems and tools thanks to interpreters for this language. When it comes to creating dynamic web pages, Python is also an interpreted programming language. '" There's no need to recompile the application to operate on many operating systems. As a result, changing the code doesn't require recompilation. You don't need to recompile the updated application code to see how the changes affect it. Code updates may be made more rapidly and without increasing development time by using this feature.
Robust Standard Library
Python outweighs other languages because of its vast and robust standard library. You can select from a wide choice of modules in the standard library to meet your specific requirements. If you're building web apps, dealing with operating system interfaces, or working with internet protocols, you can make use of specific packages. The documentation for the Python Standard Library can also help you learn about different modules.
A lot of customizable tools
As an open-source coding language, Python can lower software development costs significantly. Some of the Python modules, libraries, and development tools, all of which are open-source and free, may help you get things done faster. Open-source Python development tools are also available, so you may tailor your project to your exact needs. Flask, Pyramid, and Cherrypy are some of the best Python frameworks for web development.
Make Complex Software Development Easier
Python may be used to build both desktop and web-based applications. Python may also be used to create complex scientific and numerical applications. Easy-to-use Python capabilities make it possible to perform data analysis and visualizations. Data analysis tools can be used to construct custom big data solutions without requiring additional effort or time. You may make your collected data more visually attractive and useful by utilizing its data visualization tools and APIs. Many Python programmers also use Python for AI and NLP jobs.
Python for Cloud Computing

This programming language is used for cloud computing, web and software development, as well as task automation and data analysis.
Since everything is stored in the cloud, you may access it at any time and from anywhere. Web-based software may be used without any installation, an application can be hosted online, and a remote file storage and database system built using cloud computing can be set up. For that purpose, we have different modules like raspberry pi and ESP32 or ESP8266 boards which use python.
The ESP32 is the latest sibling of the ESP8266, which is a microcontroller. For a nominal additional fee, it boosts the device's power and capabilities while also including Bluetooth. The M5 Stack is one of the greatest iterations of these boards. Piezo speakers, batteries, a card reader, and a color screen are all included in this device.
Is python supported?
Python has a big and active community of developers that respond to concerns and build new features at a pace that many commercial software developers would consider exceptional (if not downright shocking). A source-control system is used by Python programmers to coordinate their work remotely. The PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal) procedure must be followed and must be accompanied by improvements to Python's sophisticated regression testing infrastructure for any changes. A far cry from the early days of Python, when an email to the author would suffice, altering Python nowadays is about as complicated as upgrading commercial software. This is a good thing given Python's present vast user base.
What are the technical strengths of python?

- Python is object-Oriented. Python was designed from the bottom up to be an object-oriented language. Polymorphism, operator overloading, and multiple inheritances are all supported by its class model, but Python's straightforward syntax and type make OOP a breeze to implement. Even if you don't grasp the terminology, you'll find it far easier to learn with Python than with any other OOP language. Later in the course, we'll get to understand this.
- The language is free to use. Python may be used and distributed without cost. You may get the full Python system's source code for free from the Internet, just like you can with other open-source software like TCL, Perl, Linux, and Apache. If you want to use it in your products, you can do so without fear of violating copyright laws. Python's source code can even be sold if you want to.
- Python is portable. In addition to being written in ANSI C (American National Standards Institute), Python's standard implementation operates on nearly every major operating system now in use. Python, for example, can run on everything from a PDA to a supercomputer today.
- Python is easy to use. Python programs may be run by just typing in the code and pressing enter. Unlike in languages like C or C++, there are no intermediary phases of compilation and linking. In many circumstances, you may see the consequence of a program modification as quickly as you type it in Python, which provides for an engaging programming experience and a speedy turnaround following program changes.
- It is mixable. There are several ways in which Python applications can be "glued" together with other languages. Python's C API, for example, allows C applications to be called by Python programs. As a result, you can tailor the Python system to your own needs, and you can run Python applications in any environment or system.
What are the weaknesses of python?

- Slow Speed. It is a combination of interpreted and dynamically-typed languages. The execution of line by line is generally sluggish. This slowness may be attributed to Python's dynamic nature, which is also to blame for the language's inability to execute code quickly. Since performance isn't a high priority, Python isn't used in projects.
- It is not memory efficient. Because of this, Python must make some compromises to keep things simple for programmers. When programming with Python, you'll need a lot of RAM. This could be a problem when you're writing programs, especially if memory efficiency is important.
- It is weak in mobile computing. When it comes to server-side programming, Python is the most often used language. Python isn't used in client-side or mobile apps for the reasons listed below. When compared to other languages, Python is a poor memory manager and a slow processor.
- Database access. Python is a breeze to learn and use. Despite this, when we're using the database, it falls behind. While JDBC and ODBC are well-known technologies, Python's database access layer remains basic. Because of this, Python isn't used by big businesses that need to work with complicated old data smoothly.
- Errors in the code. At any point in time, the data type of a Python variable can change. If an integer number is saved in a variable that is later transformed to a string, there is a risk of runtime issues. The upshot is that Python programmers must properly test their software.
What kinds of jobs are there in Python?

- Python Developer. For someone who knows Python, being a Python developer is the quickest path to employment. One can work by using Python to
- Create web applications
- Enhance the data algorithms
- Analyze and solve data-related issues
- Adopting measures to safeguard personal and financial information
- Useful, testable, and efficient code writing
- Product manager. Product managers are in charge of discovering new user features, identifying market gaps, and making a case for why specific products should be developed. Many firms are increasingly looking for product managers who are fluent in Python because of the importance of data in their job.
- Data analyst. When it comes to sorting through large amounts of data, utilizing Python modules like SciPy and Pandas has proven to be a popular method.
- Someone has to teach Python, right? Someone who knows Python may immediately think of teaching computer science, but it is far from the only teaching opportunity open to those with this skill set. Python tutors are in high demand at nearly every institution, coding boot camp, and online coaching platform.
How much do jobs as a Python programmer pay?

In windows

Python is installed on Windows in a few simple procedures.
Step 1: Install Python based on your choice of version.
Python 2 and Python 3 are available, each with its syntax and way of doing things.
Here we are going to download python 3 for this course.
Step 2: Download an executable installation file for Python.
Use browser to Navigate to the Download for Windows area of the official Python website.
Choose the version you require and click Download. For example, I go with Python 3.9.1.

When you select download, a list of available executable installers with varied operating system requirements will appear. Select the installer that best suits your system's operating system and download it. Let's say we go with the Windows installer (64 bits).

Step 3: Run the Installer Script
The Python 3.9.1 Windows 64-bit installation was downloaded.
Run the installation program. Make sure both checkboxes at the bottom are selected before clicking Install New.

Now installation process begins when you click the Install Now button.

A few minutes after starting the installation process, you should see the screen below.

Step 4: On Windows, check to see if Python is installed.
To see if Python has been installed successfully on your system. Observe the instructions.
- Go to the command prompt and type "cmd."
- Enter 'python' into the prompt.
- If python is successfully installed on your windows, the version of python that you have installed will be displayed.
In Linux

Step 1: Installing Python requires first downloading and installing the necessary development packages.
A new version of Debian has been released.
Run "apt-get upgrade" in your terminal.
then, "libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev curl"
Step 2: Download the most recent version.
Python has several versions that are available on their website.
Download the most recent version of Python3 from the official Python website. You will receive a.tar.xz archive file (a "py") containing Python's source code when the download is complete.
Step 3: Unzip the py folder to a convenient location.
To extract the file, either use an extractor program or the Linux tar command.
Step 4: The downloaded script must be configured.
Type cd Python-3.*. /configure in your terminal once you've unzipped the Python package and run it
Step 5: Begin the build procedure
Use this command below if you want to install the new version alongside the old version in case you don`t want to delete it:
$ sudo make install
Step 6: Verify that the installation is working properly.
To test it, type the following command into your terminal:
python3 --version
Python 3 has been successfully installed once the output says Python 3.x.